
Problem with Dual channel BMD card

  • Peter Føhns

    Peter Føhns - 2016-11-18


    I have installed 2 x BMD Decklink extreme Dual channel boards.
    I can only see and record 1 channel from each card.

    The old BMD card i had when i installed was a single channel card.

    I have set ingex.conf to 4 channel record, but in .capture it only connects to channel 1 of both cards.

    Am i missing something ? should i rebuild anything when changing cards ?

    Kind regards


  • John Fletcher

    John Fletcher - 2016-11-18

    Could this be to do with the mode the cards are set in? I think those ones can do dual-link SDI.You might be better with a simpler card like DeckLink Duo 2.
    What video format are you recording?

    • Peter Føhns

      Peter Føhns - 2016-11-21

      Im testing with DNxHD 120.
      But it seems the Capture process only see 1 channel pr. card

  • John Fletcher

    John Fletcher - 2016-11-21

    Is your card the DeckLink 4K Extreme? I suspect the problem may be because bmd_sdi was written for Decklink cards such as the DeckLink Duo that implement multiple channels by appearing as multiple sub-devices. I am guessing the DeckLink 4K Extreme does it by different means.

    Could you post the output of bmd_sdi, please?

    • Peter Føhns

      Peter Føhns - 2016-11-28

      This is my output from capture:

      cd /home/ingex/ap-workspace/ingex/studio/capture/
      sudo nice --10 ./bmd_sdi -c 4 -mode 1920x1080i25 -f YUV422 -s YUV422 -mc 0 -tt SYS
      Info: Channel and Board Number:1 ModelName:DeckLink HD Extreme 3.
      Info: Channel and Board Number:2 ModelName:DeckLink HD Extreme 3.
      Info: Found Display Mode:0x48693530
      28 14:00:56.139042 Primary capture 1920x1080 25i, YUV Planar 4:2:2
      28 14:00:56.139090 Secondary capture PAL 16x9, YUV Planar 4:2:2
      28 14:00:56.139133 Master timecode type is System using channel 0
      28 14:00:56.139144 Using System to determine number of frames to recover when video re-aquired
      buffer size 1073741824 (1024.000 MiB), channels 2, calculated per channel ring_len 102
      element_size=4999936(0x4c4b00) ring_len=102 (4.08 secs) (total=509993472)
      Info: Create DeckLink Input:0 ModelName:DeckLink HD Extreme 3.
      Info: Create DeckLink Input:1 ModelName:DeckLink HD Extreme 3.
      Info: Start streams. Board:0 Result:0x0
      Info: Start streams. Board:1 Result:0x0

    • Peter Føhns

      Peter Føhns - 2016-11-28

      I think you are spot on John.
      Is it possible to add it to the Code, or should i find a different Decklink card ? (The DVS are too expensive for my testing).

      Do you know if the Quad Cards are usable ?

  • Peter Føhns

    Peter Føhns - 2016-11-21

    i think you are right.. As i recall the Duo has dedicated in and output channels, where the Decklink Extreme has Hybrid channels (Choose to ingest or playout).

    But ive seen in the forums that people are using the Quad Cards, wich i also think are hybrids.

    Anyway.... i bricked my system fooling around with the BMD drivers, and im waiting for a SSD for the system drive, so right now im on a standstill :-)

  • vasco

    vasco - 2016-11-28

    yes i confirm that we recording 4 channels with a Decklink Quad Card.
    We use it as a spare recordings and we do not have output video signal (I don't know if it's activable as 3 in and 1 out).
    The only issue is that we cannot activate the copy ( because perhaps the hard disk it's not fast enought to write 4 channels and read 4 channels in the same time.
    LTC option is missing so we had a test with NTP server to synchronize the machine, but we got the error (not always) and we thought it was because NTP is not the timing signal continues and when the server sends the synchronization signal the difference of some millisecond it's not good for the frame recording.
    We tested long ago ... if I remember correctly, the error was in the capture tab and after, frame dropped in the registration tab.
    Anybody as better experience with this? Will be PTP server better of NTP?

    • Rui Loureiro

      Rui Loureiro - 2016-12-05

      Do you try the ntpdate command in a time interval? You can use the crontab for that.
      I made a gui to manage and encapsulate the ingex processes and I use the ntpdate to sync two machines . Works fine.


  • John Fletcher

    John Fletcher - 2016-11-29

    I'm afraid I can't add code to support the DeckLink Extreme cards unless someone on the forum is able to contribute it. In the meantime, you're probably best to use the Duo or Quad cards.

    • Peter Føhns

      Peter Føhns - 2016-12-01

      Ok.. Thanks John

  • John Fletcher

    John Fletcher - 2016-11-29

    Are you saying that if you activate the copy, you get dropped frames in the recordings? The copy is meant to pause during recordings to prevent that problem.
    Regarding timecode, you shouldn't get any problem using SYS option (i.e. timecode generated from the PC clock) unless you are using multiple record PCs in which case the clocks will need to be aligned. NTP should be absolutely fine for that. If your camera feeds have timecode embedded (ancillary timecode) and the camera timecodes are synchronised, then you could use that (DVITC or DLTC options).

  • vasco

    vasco - 2016-12-07

    Hi Rui and John,
    our config is 1 server 4 clients (Suse 12.3)
    we used ingex gui on server to start recording four machines and ntpdate service started on the server.
    Maybe we didn't find the right time of sync time.
    I read that in intranet config, tolerance ntp can be 10 msec or more:
    could this difference affect the sync of clients?
    Can you please tell me your setup of the start time of ntp service?
    And Rui, can you please explain the features of your graphical interface?
    About our copy problem, the service of "traffic control" that starts when recording starts, does not interrupt the transfer, but makes it slow (30 MB versus 100 MB).
    Is there some setting to do?
    Thanks in advance

    Kind Regards

    • Rui Loureiro

      Rui Loureiro - 2016-12-09

      My GUI encapsulate the capture service, recorder service, sys monitor service, rec monitor service and transfer service (see images in attach). That way I don't need to run the services from the terminal and I don't need the ingex.conf file because the GUI have they own configuration files. Inside the GUI I create a timer and I run the ntpudate command in a 10 seconds interval. The traffic control is a feature and not a problem, the goal is to preserve disk bandwith while recording.


      • Peter Føhns

        Peter Føhns - 2016-12-13

        Hi Rui... is it possible to get hands on your gui ? looks very nice and a bit more easy to aproach.

  • John Fletcher

    John Fletcher - 2016-12-12


    If you want to adjust the parameters of the transfer service, you can edit values in, e.g. SLOW_LIMIT. See also ingex/studio/processing/media_transfer/ --help

    I doubt that accuracy of synchronising system clock will make much difference as long as the machines are approximately synchronised. If you are still seeing an error related to this, could you post the details, please? e.g. log from recorder



    Last edit: John Fletcher 2016-12-12

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