
#405 PloneBooking doesn't look ahead beyond current timezone

(other) (44)

This assumes that you have already applied the patch I described on this page:

With the patch described by the above link, PloneBooking will display dates and times correctly according to your local timezone. However, it doesn't "look ahead" to display the time correctly in another timezone.

Let's take California as an example. The current timezone here is PDT (GMT - 7) and it will be changed to PST (GMT - 8) at 2 am on 11/7/2010. If I create a booking on 11/6, the time is displayed correctly according to PDT. If I create a booking on 11/7, say, from 11 am to 2 pm, it will be displayed as 12 pm to 3 pm. The reason is that PloneBooking is trying to display the time according to PDT while it is saved using PST in the database. So, any booking created after 11/7 will appear to be shifted one hour ahead.

To fix this bug, PloneBooking has to be able to know the time adjustment date (such as 11/7 in the above) and display the date and time of a booking using that different timezone (such as PST in the above) on or after that adjustment date.


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