
InfraHID / News: Recent posts


I have finally seen the error of my ways!!... My mapping equation works well when the camera is directly in front of the screen but i really need it to work well at angles so that the IR pen can be seen better and decreases the chance that i will get in between the camera and the IR pen. Trying to work out a new set of equations to map this correctly. I have been avoiding using linear algebra but i think there is no other choice. Please comment if you have a better way to map image coordinates to screen coordinates.

Posted by Josh Summitt 2008-05-02

Working on an update

I am almost complete with the new version. I have tried to make some code optimizations and working on a dampening function to eliminate random fluctuations in the IR tracking. The main bug i have right now is the X axis does not map correctly in the center of the screen. I should hopefully have this released by the end of this week.

Posted by Josh Summitt 2008-04-30

pre-alpha release

I have just finished the pre alpha release of InfraHID. The program is functional but needs alot of improvements. Currently It only runs on windows and has only been tested on vista. You can move the mouse, click on objects, and draw with mspaint using a ir pen. I will post more on the creation of the infra red pen later on. until then if you can create an ir pen and an ir filter or your webcam then you are ready to have a very basic electronic whiteboard.

Posted by Josh Summitt 2008-04-29