Steven Schweda - 2021-07-07

[...] I downloaded the latest version of Zip again,that is Zip
3.0(dated 07-2008).But there seems to be differences in a few header
files [...]

"differences" between which kit and which other kit, exactly?

Zip 3.0 should be Zip 3.0. Various Zip 3.0XXX beta kits were
produced (some public, some private), but they should all have unique
identification. Similarly, various Zip 3.1XXX beta kits have been
produced (some public, some private), but they, too, should all have
unique identification.

If you've linked the Zip executables, then compare the "zip -v"
reports from them.

You could also compare the "revision.h" files from each kit.

Do these differences exist between different versions of Zip 3.0x ?

Many changes were made in the development of Zip 3.0. (And Zip 3.1.)

  • In api.h there is no conditional compilation code for "USE_STATIC_LIB".

I don't see USE_STATIC_LIB in any Zip 3.0[XXX] code, only in Zip
3.1XXX (development) code.


Last edit: Steven Schweda 2021-07-07