

Samuel Iglesias
There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

Industry Pack support for Linux kernel


Industry Pack is the commercial name for the standard ANSI/VITA 4.0-1995 (S2011). As it is explained in ANSI/VITA website:

This specification defines a versatile module, known as an "IP module". These modules provide a convenient method of implementing a wide range of I/O, control, interface, slave processor, analog and digital functions. IP modules, about the size of a traditional business card, mount parallel with a host Carrier board, which provides host processor or primary bus interfacing, as well as mechanical means for connecting the IP module's I/O to the outside world. Typical Carriers include standalone processors, DSP based carriers, as well as desktop buses and VME based boards. This specification includes mechanical, host bus electrical, and logical definition of I/O space, memory space, identification space, interrupts, DMA, and reset functions. Two physical sizes, two fixed clock rates, and multiple data width sizes to 32-bits are defined.

This project's aim is to integrate Industry Pack support for the Linux kernel, either carrier or IP module devices.

Mailing lists

industrypack-devel Industry Pack Linux device drivers development | Archives | Search


Clone the development repository from:

git clone git:// industrypack-code

To compile the modules for your running kernel, execute:

$ make

You will have the respecting .ko files inside of each directory: "./", "bridges/" and "devices/"

There is another branch "staging-next" which follows gregkh's repository with all the kernel sources.

Kernel versions 3.5.0 onwards have an experimental in-tree ipack implementation in the driver "staging" area and they may touch other areas of the kernel. This support should improve with later kernel versions.
