
IndexFile (IFile) / News: Recent posts

Released 1.1.4

05 March 2012 - released version 1.1.4 of IFile

Here is the CHANGELOG for the latest version (1.1.4):

- Feature: New search for MySqli interface with all fields
- Feature: Added class IFileVersion
- Feature: Management of the configuration file (xpdfrc) for the pdftotext
- Feature: Added LIMIT for getAllDocument()
- Feature: Added path XPDF in message error
- Feature: Added method deleteAll() for delete all documents or index
- Feature: Added attribute "COLLATION" for interface "MySqli"
- Feature: Added "Encoding" ISO-8859-2 and ISO-8859-7
- Fixed: Deleted method eval() in IFile_Indexing_Mysqli class

Posted by Giampaolo 2012-03-05