
#16 Multiple tiers for tabset/tabnotebook


these are modified versions of tabset.itk and tabnotebook.itk (diff-files attached) which implement a multiple tier feature. It is used in the tabnotebook via the new "-tiers" option:
# OPTION -tiers
# Specifies the maximum number of tiers for the tabs.
# If set to 0, then there will be only 1 tier, without any expansion (default).
# If set to > 0, the highest tier number will have all its tabs adjusted

# so they occupy all the space of this tier.
# If set to < 0, the highest tier number will not have its tabs adjusted - really for experimentation only

Same as "feature request" #643765.

Please note that the attached patches also deal with tickets #620806 and #514222

AND: INTENDED PRIMARILY FOR DEMO-PURPOSES, i.e. using multiple tiers is a bad idea - see
(On that page, Laura Arlov is quoted from her book "GUI Design for Dummies": "One row of tabs is enough. Again: One row is enough. And once more: One row is enough.")


  • Erik Allaert

    Erik Allaert - 2007-03-28

    diff-files for tabset.itk and tabnotebook.itk

  • David Gravereaux

    • assigned_to: nobody --> smithc

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