Greetings all.
A new version of Inchworm is now available here:
It includes the following changes:
-cannot seed contigs from palindromic kmers
-in double-stranded mode, the reverse-complement kmers are disabled during
path extension (prevents artifactual 'fold-back' contigs resulting from
inverted-repeat-containing or palindrome-containing sequences).
-by default, prunes likely error-containing kmers, defined as candidate
extension-kmers that have an abundance less than 5% of a dominant kmer
extension. Much cleaner contig sets result, mitigating what we had called
'echo' contigs that were output based on error-containing kmers from highly
expressed transcripts. Command-line options are available to manipulate this
or turn it off altogether.
Finally, note that the full Trinity RNA-Seq assembly suite ( should be available within the next week.
Inchworm is leveraged as the front-end process in the Trinity suite, and
future Inchworm updates will be provided as part of the larger Trinity
package. Stay tuned for details.
Best regards,
Brian J. Haas
Manager, Bioinformatics Outreach, Genome Annotation and Analysis
The Broad Institute