
Tree [r3] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 app_code 2010-04-14 bstelte [r3] new version
 README.txt 2009-12-07 bstelte [r2] readme added 2009-12-07 bstelte [r1] initial version (alpha)

Read Me

The NAGIOS network monitoring system is well known in the community.
It can be used to monitor many network services as well as things like 
processor loads due to an snmp interface. The visualisation of status
and especially alert messages is retrievable through a supplied web-application.
Many available plugins for the Nagios system exist, and of those, there is
a variety that deals with the visualization of the network and service status
more specifically. But non of them brings the benefits to users
of PDAs and smart phones like, e.g. the iPhone. The problem is that the display of those devices is 
quite small so that the standard monitoring website of the Nagios system does
not fit on the iPhone's display which makes the service unusable on these
devices. Considering that system administrators would like to have an
overview over their monitored system everywhere and every time, an 
Nagios visualisation application on the iPhone (or other PDAs) is
of great benefit. In the iNagMon project, we will implement an application for
the Apple iPhone, because the development support for this device is
well documented and freely available. The iPhone device has enough power
and the necessary infrastructure equipment in order to develop such an

The program is splitted in a server and a client application.
On the server side you need a webserver (like Apache or httpd) and the sqlite3 program.
The bash-script "" has to be executed on a periodic time-base (e.g. cron service),
you may have to modify the script (e.g. path to your webserver home, or mysql call to 
the NDO MySQL Database).
On the client side the iPhone Application is used. In the regular configuration section, you may
enter the correct URl to your Webserver, which holds the sqlite database the server scripts 
periodically creates.