

Bogdan Drozdowski


Verifying the integrity

To validate that the file you've downloaded is not damaged and is the file that was meant to be downloaded, you should download also:
- the .asc file that accompanies the file you've downloaded (the files have the same name, one just has an additional .asc extention),
- the imyplay-X.Y-sign-key.asc file, which contains the signing key.

Then, get GnuPG (or Gpg4Win), and:
1. Import the key using gpg --import imyplay-X.Y-sign-key.asc
2. Verify the signature on the file you've downloaded, e.g.: gpg --verify imyplay-X.Y.tar.gz.asc. If it says "Good signature", then everything is correct.

RPM packages

To install the RPM packages, simply run rpm -Uvh imyplay-X.Y-*.x86_64.rpm.
To install with signature verification, first import the key from the imyplay-X.Y-sign-key.asc file to RPM: rpm --import imyplay-X.Y-sign-key.asc, and then install the RPM packages as above.

DOS binaries

To install IMYplay using the binaries for DOS (the file), just unpack the archive and copy the files you need to your chosen location. The imyplay.exe file is (obviously) required.

EXE installer

Just double-click to run, and follow the displayed steps: choose what to install and where to install.

Signed EXE installer

In order to verify the correctness of the installer:
1. Download also:
- the imyplay-X.Y-root-cert.der file,
- the imyplay-X.Y-sign-cert.cer file.
2. Open the Certificate Manager, e.g. by opening a command or shell prompt and typing certmgr.msc.
3. Add the imyplay-X.Y-root-cert.der file to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".
4. Add the imyplay-X.Y-sign-cert.der file to "Trusted Publishers"/"Certificates". If the installer still shows that the publisher is unknown, add this file also to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".

To install IMYplay, just double-click to run, and follow the displayed steps: choose what to install and where to install.


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