
IMYplay / The IMYplay Blog: Recent posts

IMYplay - 15th birthday

According to the ChangeLog file, the very first version of IMYplay, 0.1, was created on 2009-01-20.
It wasn't on SourceForge from the beginning , but nevertheless 2009-01-20 is IMYplay's "birthday".
Having fun with audio sample generating and sound backends for 15 years!

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2024-01-20

1000 downloads reached!

IMYplay reached its 1000th download today!
Maybe not a great achievement compared to other projects, but it's still something to be glad about for an application which plays a historical melody format when compressed hi-fi audio formats, like OGG/Vorbis, are more popular and widespread nowadays.
The relevant badges have been added to the Wiki and the project's website.
Thank you, users!

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2023-09-29

IMYplay 2.0 released!

IMYplay version 2.0 has just been released.
Summary of changes:
Significant portability updates: IMYplay now compiles also on macOS (as provided by Travis CI) and MinGW.
IMYplay now compiles by default also on Solaris/SunOS (earlier, the PC-Speaker module had to be disabled during configuration).
Added an installer for the MinGW version with SDLv2 included.
Added support for GStreamer versions 1.x.
Significant improvements in the parsers, especially the flex-based one.
Significant improvements in the configuration script.
Added more sound drivers in the Allegro backend.
Enabled stereo output in newer JACK versions.
Many more safety checks in the code.
Added replacement functions in case some standard ones are missing.
Printing run-time versions apart from the compile-time versions where available.
Print the error code if backend initialization or playing a note fails.
Improvements in the build system.
The DOS version can now be built with the flex-based parser.
Code quality updates.
Added unit tests for all backends.
Improvements in the documentation.
Version bumped to 2.0 because of the vast changes and to accommodate for the big step in version 0.3.

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2023-09-29

IMYplay - 14th birthday

According to the ChangeLog file, the very first version of IMYplay, 0.1, was created on 2009-01-20.
It wasn't on SourceForge from the beginning (my projects need to have at least a few versions and a foreseeable future to be promoted to SF), but nevertheless 2009-01-20 is IMYplay's "birthday".

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2023-01-20

Problem with project Tickets resolved

The problem with disappearing "Tickets"/"Defects" seems to be resolved now.

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2023-01-11

Temporary problem with project Tickets

There seems to be some temporary problem with project tickets (Defects and Tickets): they disappear after a few days after being created.
I've reported this to SF.

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2022-12-20

Code quality check passed

IMYplay has been checked by Codacy and got the "A" grade. Current status: Codacy Badge

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2022-09-24

Code scanning passed

IMYplay has been uploaded to a test repository on GitHub, has passed a build on their system and a code security check.

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2022-08-25

IMYplay's birthday!

According to the ChangeLog file, the very first version of IMYplay, 0.1, was created on 2009-01-20.
It wasn't on SourceForge from the beginning (my projects need to have at least a few versions and a forseeable future to be promoted to SF), but nevertheless 2009-01-20 is IMYplay's "birthday".

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2022-01-20

TeXinfo documentation now on web!

The documentation in the TeXinfo format (which normally is only inside the packages) has been converted to HTML and provided on the project website at for convenience. This documentation should provide more information to current and potential users.
Remember that the most up-to-date documentation is always in the software package.

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2021-11-08

Website order changed and contents provided

The IMYplay's website ( got a content listing at the top. The order of the sections has also been changed to hopefully provide information in the most important order (which is subjective for the reader).

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2021-11-08

An icon comes to life

As a result of SF's encouragement to using icons, I've decided to do some experiments with the Inkscape program.
I chose Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) because I wanted the icon to be scalable to any size without losing quality and the only way to achieve that is with vector graphics.
The icon may be "tuned" or even fully changed later, but for now you can enjoy the current looks on the project page on SF and on the IMYplay's homepage at (both in the content and as the site icon). These icons are in the PNG format (another open standard), because this is what SF allows here, but the source is still SVG.

Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2021-11-07

IMYplay 1.3 released

IMYplay 1.3 released.
Summary of changes:

  • SDLv2 support,
  • Improvements in the SDL backend,
  • Fixed the MIDI backend on 64-bit systems,
  • Fixed the EXEC backend with a missing parameter,
  • Fixed uninitialized values in the JACK backend,
  • Updates in the build system for DOS,
  • Other compatibility improvements,
  • Documentation updates and improvements,
  • Translations rebuilt,
  • New unit tests.
Posted by Bogdan Drozdowski 2021-10-28