
Information Montage Java Utility library / News: Recent posts

First CVS submissions

Minimal beginnings of the Utility Library have been placed into the CVS repository! This includes the 'Conduit' class and it's dependencies. The Conduit class handles communications between a client and a server; packetizing messages and reconstructing them on the other end; monitoring and tracking messages, packets, and bytes sent and received; and using thread pools to accept and process messages. A few other tidbits are also committed now as well - these are not yet production quality, though they do work as advertised! Except perhaps for a small issue with the Conduit class not properly handling multiple, very large messages... There are JUnit test cases included for the Conduit class, both using TCP and UDP sockets. If there is anyone who would be so kind as to provide another pair of eyes on the code and suggestions as to why the one test case fails, it would be most appreciated... ;-)

Posted by Richard A. Mead 2005-01-26