
IM / News: Recent posts

IM 3.15

Hi All,

The 3.15 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

This version is just to align with the new version of the IUP library, and with a few modifications.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2020-08-02

IM 3.14

Hi All,

The 3.14 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

The following libraries were updated: libjasper, libjpeg, libexif, libtiff and libpng. Some of these libraries had changes we made to be able to implement some features. All those changes were replaced by a more independent code, so now any distribution of those libraries can also be used. In the future we intend to split those libraries from the IM main library.
   The following new functions were implemented: imProcessRenderOpAlpha, imProcessRenderCondOpAlphaimProcessBinThinZhangSuen, and imProcessThresholdSaturation.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2020-05-19

IM 3.13

Hi All,

The 3.13 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

This release concludes the replace from float to double in the API, and some new functions accumulated since 2016.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2019-01-08

IM 3.12

Hi All,

The 3.12 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

This release includes function and fixes to help the creation of Shell Extension Handlers for thumbnails and previews in Windows using IUP, CD and IM.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2016-10-02

IM 3.11

Hi All,

The 3.11 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

We would like to highlight the following features:

  • Changed: libPNG updated to version 1.6.23. libPNG code is now used only in Windows. In Linux it uses the libpng installed on the system.
  • Changed: zlib updated to version 1.2.8. zlib source code is now separated from the main svn. Is still inside IM svn but in a separate folder. In Linux it uses the zlib installed on the system.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2016-06-30

IM 3.10 Released

Hi All,

The 3.10 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

We would like to highlight the following features:

New: header "im_plus.h" with the first version of the C++ API.
New: function imProcessRenderFloodFill.
Changed: removed include "im_old.h" from "im.h", must be manually included by old applications. Notice that the old API will be removed in future versions.
Changed: Lua pre-compiled binaries are now separated by folders Lua51/Lua52/Lua53.
Changed: imAnalyzeMeasurePerimArea and imAnalyzeMeasureHoles to include region_count parameter.
Fixed: removed luaL_register dependency from Lua >= 5.2 bindings.... read more

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-09-18

IM 3.9.1 Released

Hi All,

The 3.9.1 version of the IM library has been released.

This has just a few fixes and support for Lua 5.3.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2015-04-28

IM 3.9 Released

Hi All,

The 3.9 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

We would like to highlight the following features:

  • support for double data (IM_DOUBLE)
  • IMPORTANTE: the attributes StoNits, GeoTiePoints, GeoTransformationMatrix, "Intergraph TransformationMatrix", GeoPixelScale, GeoDoubleParams of the TIFF format are now in double
  • support for the PFM file format
  • new "image:SetPixels(table)" and "table = image:GetPixels()" member functions in Lua.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-10-02

Migration from CVS to SVN

Successfully completed. CVS access is now disabled.


Posted by Antonio Scuri 2014-07-30

IM 3.8.2 Released

Hi All,

The 3.8.2 version of the IM toolkit has been released. This is just a bug fix release.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2013-11-22

IM 3.8.1 Released

Hi All,

The 3.8.1 version of the IM toolkit has been released. This is just bug fix release.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2012-11-28

IM 3.8 Released

Hi All,

The 3.8 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

We would like to highlight the following features:

  • support for signed short data type IM_SHORT.
  • better control of min,max in imProcessToneGamut and imConvertDataType
  • better support for EXIF metadata in JPEG format.

You can find the complete list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2012-05-19

IM 3.7 Released

Hi All,

The 3.7 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

We would like to highlight the following features:

  • support for Lua 5.2
  • removed Lua bytecode usage in pre-compiled binaries. Now IM pre-compiled binaries are compatible with LuaJIT.
  • support for OpenMP in the im_process library. Almost all image processing functions now have support for multi-thread using OpenMP.
  • third party libraries updated to newest versions zlib 1.2.5, libpng 1.5.7, libjpeg 8c and libtiff 4.0.... read more
Posted by Antonio Scuri 2012-01-04

IM 3.6.3 Released

Hi All,

The 3.6.3 version of the IM toolkit has been released. This is just a bug fix.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-11-14

IM 3.6.2 Released

Hi All,

The 3.6.2 version of the IM toolkit has been released. This is just a bug fix.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-06-24

IM 3.6.1 Released

Hi All,

The 3.6.1 version of the IM toolkit has been released. This is just a bug fix.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-04-23

IM 3.6 Released

The 3.6 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

IM is a toolkit for Digital Imaging. IM is based on 4 concepts: Image Representation, Storage, Processing and Capture.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2010-01-27

IM 3.5 Released

The 3.5 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

IM is a toolkit for Digital Imaging. IM is based on 4 concepts: Image Representation, Storage, Processing and Capture.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2009-10-01

IM 3.4.2 Released


The 3.4.2 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

IM is a toolkit for Digital Imaging. IM is based on 4 concepts: Image Representation, Storage, Processing and Capture.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

This is just a bug fix release. We would like to thank everyone that send us feedback so this release was possible.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2009-06-27

IM 3.4.1 Released


The 3.4.1 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

IM is a toolkit for Digital Imaging. IM is based on 4 concepts: Image Representation, Storage, Processing and Capture.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

This is just a bug fix release. We would like to thank everyone that send us feedback so this release was possible.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2008-12-17

IM 3.4 Released

The 3.4 version of the IM toolkit has been released.

IM is a toolkit for Digital Imaging. IM is based on 4 concepts: Image Representation, Storage, Processing and Capture.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2008-10-18