
Imperium - now on github / News: Recent posts

Combat milestone reached!

The combat code has now been completed and tested enough that it is at last possible to fire photon
torpedoes against a planet and eventually wipe out the population and take it over!
While you should eventually also be able to launch an assault on the planet to take it over without first trashing it and wiping out the population, this does mean that at last Imperium is truely playable from start to finish.
I will be looking at the assault code to see how much more work it needs, but barring any unexpected critical bugs the next release of the server should occur shortly...

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-26

Imperium test Server now at

The test server is now at port 3458. While it isn't required I reccommend you telnet in first to create your account, then disconnect and enter your account information into the front-end and reconnect with the FE instead..

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-24

Minor bug in server gScodes

I noticed there is a minor bug in the file due to the conversion from metaconf. Near the start is a line that starts "if $test ...". Just change that to "if test ...". It will be fixed in the next release.

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-22

XForms libs moved, test server not available

Due to some temporary problems with putting my IP's behind a firewall without asking if I wanted this done, the test server is not reachable right now. I have moved the current XForms libs to the FTP server here at SourceForge. You can choose the one apropriate for your version of Linux (glibc for most).

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-20

Pics available on home page

I haven't gotten a full home page ready, but I have uploaded some screen shots from the current version of the front end..

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-18

Dedicated test server up tonight

I am expecting to be able to have a dedicated server running the current Imperium library & server tonight. The IP will be and will be using the default Imperium port (3458 if you want to telnet in). The player ceation password will be "new" (amazing).

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-18

Source uploaded

Posted by Marisa Giancarla 2000-05-17