
Imixs Workflow / News: Recent posts

Imixs Releases new Process Manager

The digitization of business processes has become a key challenge for organisations and enterprises. From the development perspective, essentially two things are needed for a modern application design:

  • a process description – created using the BPMN 2.0 standard
  • a runtime environment – to execute and persist business data in a secure way

With the Imixs Process Manager we are now releasing a new platform that combines the design and the execution of business processes in a highly scalable and easy to use environment. Organisations can start quickly and develop and test their own business process. And of course the open source platform can be customized and extended to be used for development as well as for production.
... read more

Posted by Ralph Soika 2020-07-05

New version 2.1.0 final released

The latest version 2.1.0 of the Imixs Workflow and the Imixs Java EE Workflow components are now final released! The new version includes a bunch of updates and new features.

Also the 2.1.0 release is now supporting Java EE 6 and is tested with Glassfish V3 Application Server! Therefor the deployment is simplified and now it is much more easy to use the components in your own Java EE project. It's easy to integrate the Imixs Worklfow Engine into your web project and build a scalable, transactional, robust and simple deployable Java EE Workflow System.... read more

Posted by Ralph Soika 2010-06-22

Imixs Modeler version 2.3.1 released!

The latest version 2.3.1 of the Eclipse based Imixs Workflow Modeler is now released. The new version includes different bug fixes and improvements in usability like the "new Report Wizzard" and a new design of the modeler perspective. The new release includes additional updates of the "Integration Modeler" and the "Report Plugin". See:

Posted by Ralph Soika 2009-11-19

Maven Repository on

Imixs IX Open Source Workflow is now supporting Maven Artefacts. So you can build JEE Workflow Applications much faster and easier!
Read more about this on:

Posted by Ralph Soika 2009-05-14

Live Demo available

We submitted a new live demo. This demo implements a full featured workflow appliation. This is also a good stating point to learn how the Imixs Workflow works.
See details :

Posted by Ralph Soika 2008-04-12

Imixs Workflow now under GPL

We stated to transfer the IX Workflow Project form LGPL into GPL. This is to open the IX Workflow technologies for all people and avoid any restriction in any kind of licensing.
So also a lot of Imixs Projects will change to GPL in future.
For that we renew the Subversion Repository structure. You will find all actual sources in the 'workflow' folder followed by a trunk folder with the newest sources. As we want not to bother anybody who is still working with our previous versions we put the latest version of a project under LGPL into the /tags folder. So if you check out the latest version from tags you will find also a LGPL version. But if you check out from the /trunk you will get the newest release under GPL.
We migrate a lot of our projects to GPL so look out for newest versions.

Posted by Ralph Soika 2008-04-08

New SVN Repository structure

at least we renew our SVN Repository structure.
This is because we plan to check in more different source code projects in future
So the Imixs IX Workflow Source Code will be located in a primary folder /workflow/ followed by a folder indecating the technology. E.g. /workflow/jee/
There you will found the newest versions of the current development seperated into trunk and branches.

Posted by Ralph Soika 2008-03-18

IX REST Services

Version 1.0 of the IX REST Workflow Services are now available. This REST Implmentation of the IX Workflow Services support an easy way to access workitems from the IX Workflow Server.

Posted by Ralph Soika 2007-12-16

New Version 5.2

New Version 5.2 of the IX Workflow API and also the JEE Implementation are published now.
The IX Workflow API includes some changes in the Service Interfaces.
The IX JEE Workflow includes some bug fixes and different updates concerning the new Workflow Service Interface

Posted by Ralph Soika 2007-12-16

New IX JEE Implemtation available now!

We are proud to anounce that our newes IX JEE5 Implementation is now available in source. This new Implementation is full JEE5 compatible and implemented using the EJB 3.0 specification.
The Implementation was developed and tested using the latest Glassfish Application Server Build (V2).
More informations about this new releas you can find on the imixs project page

Posted by Ralph Soika 2007-05-22

new Subversion Code Repository

We changed the code respository form cvs to subversion. See "Code" for details.
Also the new relases of Imixs IX API, Imixs IX JEE Implementation are now only available by subversion code repository.
We recomed no longer to check out older code versions from the still existing cvs repository.

Posted by Ralph Soika 2007-05-22

Project Home Page

See also our procect homepage

Posted by Ralph Soika 2006-06-18

Now full WebService enabled

The new release (2.0.1) of our IX Workflow Modeler is now full webservice enabled. with a very simple Webservice based server connectior you can connect to every webservice bases ix workflow system.

For installation see our homepage at:

Posted by Ralph Soika 2006-06-18

new Eclipse RCP Workflow Application

We are now also working on a RCP Workflowapplication. With this RCP Application you got a simple Workflow Client System which works connects to an IX Workflow Server by web services.
So wie now supporting also Web Service Interfaces for the Modeller also for the Workflow EJB Implemantation based on Axis 1.4

Posted by Ralph Soika 2006-06-10