
IMHO Instant Blogger / News: Recent posts

IMHO 1.2.1964

The current release add support for the new community server, some syntax hightlight definition files and the imho plugin for firefox.

Posted by codeblock 2005-05-18

IMHO 1.2.1902

Finally I decide to build a service release to fix some minor bugs found recently. This release solve a couple of bugs with link management and correct behavior of blogger adapter that now require SSL and cleartext authentication

Posted by codeblock 2005-03-17

IMHO 1.2.1846 with Spell Checker

This release introduce many features like Spell checker, keyword substitution, and file management

Posted by codeblock 2005-01-27

IMHO 1.1.1817 With Image Management

This release of IMHO come with an automatic Image management engine the allow to post transparently images to an ftp site.

Posted by codeblock 2005-01-17

IMHO 1.0.1787 with Code Snippet Editor

This release become the first non-beta version of IMHO. It introduce the code snippet formatter to enable fast&easy embedding of code snippet into the HTML page mantaining the Syntax Highlighting proper of preferred language.

Posted by codeblock 2004-11-22

IMHO 1.0.1777 with syntax hightlithing

The new release of Imho include the SharpDevelop code editor to edit html source with Syntax Highlighting. The new MovableType adapter is also included to support dasBlog, WordPress, Nucleus, Snipsnap and many other weblog engines

Posted by codeblock 2004-11-14

IMHO 1.0.1769 released

The big change in this release is the support per a pluggable engine protocol. It is possible to write your own engine adapters to interface other weblog engines. Here is the complete feature added

- Added support for blogger community.
- Refactored project to support a pluggable engines for different weblog engines
- Added custom template
- Added startup options
- Added connection detection
- a couple of bugs fixed

Posted by codeblock 2004-11-04

IMHO 1.0.1754 BETA release is here to stay

This is the beta release of IMHO. It come with the build 1754. It introduce great improvement in editor interface. Now it it really possible to edit very nearly to .TEXT engine. A new Settings form grant the ability to configure account and proxy server support. You can configure IMHO to tunnel calls to web services through proxy server.

Posted by codeblock 2004-10-20

IMHO 1.0.1740 English Localized!

This release introduce english localization. I've added also UpdaterService integration to have notification about new releases. Some improvements of the editor interface give best control when edit.

Posted by codeblock 2004-10-06

IMHO 1.0.1736 Alpha has released

This release, the first under SourceForge, introduce the English localization and fix some minor bugs. This is something near a beta1 release. because it appear to be stable. But the work continue.

Posted by codeblock 2004-10-02