
I.M. Everywhere / News: Recent posts

2.0 beta 3 now available

Many of the most-requested features are in this new version.

- Trillian 3 skin.
- Support for a few of the most common emoticons.
- Time stamping.
- For xhtml, loads the last few lines of the log file in new windows. Only works if the option is enabled in Trillian. (There is a bug where the last line is repeated when the window first opens.)
- Updated the readme to include Trillian 3 installation notes.
- The xhtml-mp-colour skin is bundled, but not enabled by default. See changes.txt.
- Misc internal changes.
- The log file is now written to the config directory, which is more likely to be writable.

Posted by Mark Paciga 2006-02-05

I.M. Everywhere is now open-source

I am pleased to announce that I.M. Everywhere, the plugin for Trillian Pro that allows you to access your contact list from any web browser or mobile phone, is now open-source software.

To get things started, I have entered the most-requested features and most-hated bugs into the SourceForge trackers. I will be adding more later, but this should give you an idea of the features I'd like to implement first. Many Gaim users have expressed an interest in having I.M. Everywhere ported to their client of choice--that is another goal of this open-source effort.... read more

Posted by Mark Paciga 2005-04-30