
Tree [05fd88] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 doc 2012-10-02 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [27fe7c] Add filetype documentation
 examples 2013-02-26 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [2a9dbb] mv alcqme2/consistentinfinite-chain.owl chain.owl
 src 2013-06-14 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [bac72d] Remove all axioms with the "I"-role from the HBox
 stats 2013-02-27 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [94c3c7] Add sequentially measured reasoning times
 .gitignore 2013-02-28 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [c49c46] Extend .gitignore
 COPYING 2013-02-28 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [e2fa84] Add GPLv3 as COPYING
 Makefile 2013-02-20 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [666d25] Rename project to i-me-owl
 README 2013-02-28 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [e2fa84] Add GPLv3 as COPYING 2013-02-20 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [666d25] Rename project to i-me-owl 2013-02-26 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [1e69a9] Improve 2013-02-27 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [8e39b1] Ensure correct (sequential) test conditions 2013-02-21 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [0cf89f] Add cputime in stats 2013-06-14 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [05fd88] Fixup 2013-02-27 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [dc430b] ->
 i-me-owl 2013-04-16 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [980b37] Do some time measurements on stderr 2013-06-14 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [2ad8fb] Try I/me-pairs in a random order 2013-04-16 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [980b37] Do some time measurements on stderr 2013-02-20 Thorsten Wißmann Thorsten Wißmann [666d25] Rename project to i-me-owl

Read Me

Transform bounded self-reference into plain owl files

About this project
This project handles self-reference in OWL files. Self-reference in OWL is
encoded analogously to the I-me-construct originally defined by Marx[2]. Here,
we only allow at most two qualified number restrictions (or quantifiers) between
the I and the me. Those OWL ontologies with self-referenc can be transformed via

    $ ./i-me-owl convert

into a plain OWL ontology in a consistency-preserving way (expecting the OWL
file on stdin and writing the transformed OWL file to stdout). The
transformation was written along with a bachelor thesis at the Chair for
Computer Science 8 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)[1].

The I.C construct is encoded as

    ObjectSomeValuesFrom( :I :C )

for some appropriate :C and the me is encoded by the named class :me. For some
example ontologies see the examples/ subdirectory. To give a more readable
expierince, you should prefer using the shipped pretty-printer for reading
contologies, e.g.:

    $ ./i-me-owl print examples/alcqme2/consistent/chain.owl 
    T ≡ I.∃S.¬me
    T ≡ I.∀R.(∃

This of course requires building ./i-me-owl first.

System Requirements

  - scala >= 2.9.2
  - bash >= 4.2.0
  - GNU Make

You need a current version of the owlapi of the hermit OWL reasoner. You can
install both by running:

    $ ./

After that, the build process can be started via

    $ make

Now you can use the wrapper script ./i-me-owl. See the output of ./i-me-owl -h
for the exact command line usage.

A test suite for the example ontologies is given. Mainly, ontologies are checked
for consistency using the hermit OWL reasoner after converting the files (and
also before if no self-reference was involved). It can be run using the
make-target "test". As there is much to test it is recommended to use the
parallelism offered by make:

    $ make test -j4 # number of threads you like

The output gives an intuitive feedback what was tested and which tests succeded.

This project is free software. It is licensed under the GPLv3. See the COPYING
file for more licensing details.


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