

Csaba Skrabák

Try the upstream version of the imeight emulator on and read the tutorials (that appear on its web UI) first. This wiki will provide you with information based on the tutorial.

While Tutorial is written for beginners, this Wiki targets readers who already have the programming vocabulary.

Older version of the imeight emulator is deployed to newgrounds:

Programmers' Resources

[Hacks] - documenting the undocumented
[Publishing] - let your users use your program on the web
[Routines] - a.k.a. snippets
[Sample Programs] - all this bullshit applied

Reference tables

Language Reference

[Instructions] - complete list with byte tokens
[Expressions] - references to and calculations made of:

  • [Literals] - string literal definition, number literal definition
  • [Built-in Names] - language and video related names predefined: variables, arrays and functions
  • [Operators] - complete list with precedence
  • Names of variables, elements of arrays, function calls

[Names] - variable/array/function/label name format
[Errors] - parse errors, run time errors, failsafe mode

Video Reference

[ASCII Table] - the imeight implementation of ASCII
[Factory Designs] - the factory sprite/tile designs of the imeight video
[Colors] - the 16-color palette with RGB values
[Event Codes] - numbers that GET assigns

Development Environment

[Commands] - the interactive commands on the Runner Screen
[Scripting] - save a list of commands on the development environmnent


[Deploy] - deploying a development environment


[Overloaded Operators] - commas, evaluation/execution distinction
[Internals] - how the emulator works
[Evaluations] - logical operators, FOR loop conditions, DATA items
[References] - to variables etc.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Members:


Wiki: ASCII Table
Wiki: Built-in Names
Wiki: Colors
Wiki: Commands
Wiki: Deploy
Wiki: Errors
Wiki: Evaluations
Wiki: Event Codes
Wiki: Expressions
Wiki: Factory Designs
Wiki: Hacks
Wiki: Instructions
Wiki: Internals
Wiki: Literals
Wiki: Names
Wiki: Operators
Wiki: Overloaded Operators
Wiki: Publishing
Wiki: References
Wiki: Routines
Wiki: Sample Programs
Wiki: Scripting



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