
PHP imdb Classes / News: Recent posts

Tracker moved

Hi folks,

as I already reported before, the project management has been moved to a new site:

Please use that site to report bugs, feature requests etc. since I cannot and want not to monitor multiple trackers - plus the new site offers better integration with the repository.

At the new project site, you still can open tickets anonymously (i.e. without the need to login). However, if you a) want to be notified if there are changes made to your request, and/or b) you may want to update your ticket, you need to create yourself a login. It's for no cost, and your data are never ever given to anybody else (your login, email and password are only stored so you can login and receive notifications - guaranteed!).... read more

Posted by Izzy 2008-05-20

CVS ./. SVN and v0.9.1

Just released v0.9.1 bringing you new functionality. To avoid confusion with the old CVS code here on Sourceforge (which I did not update for a while), I disabled the CVSWeb. As I already mentioned a while ago, I moved the sources to my development server. You still can checkout the code anonymously via Subversion there. Just visit;subject=imdbphp to find out more. Btw: This is also the best place to file bugs and/or feature requests, as well as to see details on the ongoing development.... read more

Posted by Izzy 2008-01-20

API documentation available

For everybody new to this project and/or looking for a closer documentation, there's now an API reference available at the new project page:
Though this does not give any examples, it lists the important "public" functions together with their parameters and what they are intended to do. For examples, you may refer to the imdb.php file shipped with the distribution.... read more

Posted by Izzy 2007-02-26

New release (0.8.6) and website

Hi folks,
just to let you know that I released v0.8.6 of the IMDB class files - due to the changes on the IMDB sites you may have noticed that the previous version did not work anymore...
NExt to this, I decided to create a small project page with a little more information plus a demo installation. You'll find it linked here as "Website" of the project - or just click on this link: . Any comments on that are welcome ;)... read more

Posted by Izzy 2007-02-23

Project management changes

Hi folks,

since Sevec presently has no time to keep up with the development, I temporarily take over as project admin until he is available again. This decision was made since I use his IMDBPHP class code in my own application (phpVideoPro, also to be found on SF) and thus most of the changes during the past few month have been coming from me. Hoping on the fact that it is most likely it will stay this way, this will keep IMDBPHP alive, up-to-date and in development.... read more

Posted by Izzy 2005-04-08

imdbphp-0.8 released.

this new version relies on PEARs HTTP_Request class.
the files requiered for it to work are not included so if you haven't got PEAR and HTTP_Request installed see about installing it.

Posted by Giorgos Giagas 2003-10-22

First file release.

imdbphp is some classes for php to retrieve information from imdb. These can be used by movie databases written in php to easily add new movies with their information.
This first release can retrieve all the information the average database needs and more.

Posted by Giorgos Giagas 2003-07-29