
iMark / News: Recent posts

Pilot Project June 2006

To see the iMark VLE in action, and have a real-proper go at virtual learning with some of your classes, sign-up for the Pilot iMark VLE project at

Posted by ivesi 2006-06-24

v1.40.04 Coming soon

New release of iMark coming soon with many enhancements for usability, some new ones and a few bug fixes. Try demo version at to see what is coming...

Posted by ivesi 2006-01-29

Version 1.40.03 Release

Lots of new and updated features, including interface improvements, staff planner, timeline display and enhanced reporting, and more... and a few bug fixes too!

Posted by ivesi 2005-10-26


Release of v1.40 updated to include all intended features for v1.40. Release 02u to be applied to v1.40.01, with a few fixes and final new enhancements. v1.40.02 includes online HTML editor for learning objectives, iQuiz for surveys and tests and an image portfolio - all in addition to the other new features added into release 01...

Posted by ivesi 2005-07-01

New release v1.4

v1.4 to be released soon, with improved admin interface, and news/notice items on the home page. Assignments can be released as open access and a journal section has been added to allow students to record progress on assignments. Various other updates included.

Posted by ivesi 2005-06-06