
Tree [89c010] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 README 2017-03-05 Piers Lauder Piers Lauder [3e87a6] Fix for bug #11 binascii.Error: Incorrect padding
 README.py3 2017-03-05 Piers Lauder Piers Lauder [3e87a6] Fix for bug #11 binascii.Error: Incorrect padding
 imaplib2.html 2017-03-01 Piers Lauder Piers Lauder [e152e5] Add "enable" command, and fix typo in imaplib3 ...
 imaplib2.html.py3 2017-03-01 Piers Lauder Piers Lauder [e152e5] Add "enable" command, and fix typo in imaplib3 ... 2017-03-05 Piers Lauder Piers Lauder [3e87a6] Fix for bug #11 binascii.Error: Incorrect padding
 imaplib2.py3 2019-08-12 John Molyneux John Molyneux [89c010] update version 2015-06-17 Piers Lauder Piers Lauder [731c72] setup for PyPi

Read Me

Threaded Python IMAP4 client version 2.57.

Based on RFC 3501 and original imaplib module.

This is a version of imaplib that uses threads to allow full use of the
IMAP4 concurrency features, and to de-couple a user of imaplib from i/o
lags, except where explicitly allowed.

Documented in imaplib2.html

Install into your Python library path.