
Xenei.Imago XSLT Servlet and extensions / News: Recent posts

Bug work around for Imago package

The ProcessMap.xml file shipped with the 1.2.20030722 release of Imago includes references to files found in the ImagoX extension package. If the ImagoX extensions are not installed the Imago will generate a NullPointerException. If Imago is to be used without ImagoX then the ImagoX transform and req elements in the ProcessMap.xml file must be commented out. This is a work around Bug 480412. The enclosed Processmap.xml file found in the file of the current release has the ImagoX lines commented out.

Posted by Claude N. Warren, Jr. 2003-08-01

ImagoX V1.1 Released

This is the first ImagoX 1.1 version release and the first release certified to run with Imago V1.2. Changes in the structure of the forms classes may require modification of code using this package. See changes noted in the change log ( or the Changes.html file in the standard package for details. The major changes for this release are transparent to the package user. However, the example XML and XSL files have been completely rewritten and now include live data from SourceForge RSS feeds and are designed to seamlessly integrate into the Imago V1.2 release examples

Posted by Claude N. Warren, Jr. 2003-07-23

Imago V1.2 Released

This is the first Imago 1.2 version release. Changes in the structure of the classes may require modification of code using this package. See changes noted in the change log ( or the Changes.html file in the standard package for details. This is the first Imago version certified to run with the Xenei Utilities 1.2. The major changes for this release are that the extension elements that formerly returned a null object when they were empty now return an empty string and the caching of URL objects now works in accordance with RFC 2616 ( This is also the first release with externalized string to ease the migration to internationalization. Finally, the example XML and XSL files have been completely rewritten and now include live data from SourceForge RSS feeds.

Posted by Claude N. Warren, Jr. 2003-07-23

Imago and ImagoX Historical Releases Moved

The historical Imago and ImagoX releases have been moved from the Xenei project ( to the Imago project ( The Xenei project will continue to host the current release but only the Imago project will maintain the historical releases.

Posted by Claude N. Warren, Jr. 2003-07-23

Xenei.Imago Promoted to Full Project Status is pleased to announce the Imago project has been promoted. Imago is now a separate project on and may be accessed at promotes ongoing development and support of Open Source solutions

Posted by Todd Hill 2003-06-24