
#3 Minimise gaim on clicking ImageIM button


The problem:

Most of the time when I use ImageIM, I would like to
take a screenshot of something outside gaim, eg
another application window, or my desktop.

The gaim conversation window unfortunately obscures
my target window because it is in the foreground when I
click on the ImageIM toolbar button.

For example, I want to take a full size screenshot of an
application running maximised in WindowsXP. I cannot
do this because the conversation window is in front of
the other app and gets in the way.

My instinctive reaction is to attempt to ALT+TAB to the
other app, but doing this disables the screenshot tool.

The RFE:

Would be useful to minimise the conversation window,
or all gaim windows (eg including the buddy list) as soon
as the user clicks the ImageIM toolbar button.

Assuming the user wants to take a screenshot of a
gaim window, then this could be made into an optional
check box in the Preferences (eg Minimise gaim when
taking screenshot).

Of course this would also assume that the user already
had the target window ready in the background, with no
other windows in front of it. The best solution would
therefore be to enable ALT+TABbing without disabling
the screenshot tool, until a mousebutton is clicked and

Is any of this possible?


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