
ilios 2 curriculum management system / News: Recent posts

Moving to GitHub

Beginning December 7, 2012, Ilios will be moving our code repository to Github ( While the sourceforge repository will remain freely available as an historical archive, we encourage all users to shift their attention to the new repository for all further updates, information, and additions to Ilios.

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2012-12-06

New, Non-Beta Release Available Today

I am delighted to announce the public release of Ilios version 2.1: our first non-beta, stable public code release.
We have included more than 150 enhancements and corrections to this version, including a complete makeover of the user interface, a remodeling of the core feature code, framework upgrades, data model extension and revision, query optimization, and extended visibility into the managed curricula. More than 79,000 code modifications in more than 345 files were made for this version, and we are very happy with the results. We hope you will be as well.
The release notes contain detailed instructions on upgrading from version 2.0.7b; we have striven to maintain a seamless upgrade path for current users, and there should be few hurdles to upgrading any current installation.
For non-Shibboleth authentication schools, we have simplified and extended the management of Ilios internal authentication, and incorporated the selection as a setting in the config file.

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2012-09-28

update alert!

Ilios community,

A potential security hole was identified in the latest distribution of the Ilios code allowing the potential of incorrect authenticated access; while unlikely to cause a significant impact, we have updated the codebase address and correct the issue.

The change modifies a small number of files pertaining to the handling of authentication variables, including a change to the shibboleth exposure scheme and the application configuration file. There is no database modification or impact.... read more

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2012-03-13

2.0.6b Available Now

We are pleased to announce the public release of our latest major upgrade to Ilios, version 2.0.6b. This release of Ilios includes major enhancements, including calendar search and filter tools, LDAP connectivity enhancement, framework upgrades, performance improvements, additional support for Windows, enhanced administrative controls, and much more.

For those currently using Ilios, we *strongly* recommend upgrading to the latest code. And for those considering it, this release is a great opportunity to do so.... read more

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2012-02-21

2.0.6b coming soon!

We are happy to announce that within the next few days we will be releasing the latest upgrade to Ilios 2. This version includes some significant enhancements to the application infrastructure, as well expansion of the feature set.

Look here for more news very soon!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2012-02-10

Ilios 2.0.5b is now available!

The Ilios development team is happy to announce the immediate release of Ilios 2.0.5b, our 5th beta release. Included in this release are a number of new features including calendar downloads and multi-role viewing, bug fixes and optimizations which provide improved capacity and usability for the Ilios application. These are outlined in the version release notes.

An update user guide has also been posted.... read more

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-08-29

Summer Update

We've been working on all sorts of great stuff for Ilios over the summer: significantly enhanced calendar functionality, additional views, a whole passel of bug fixes, new administrative features, and more. I am hoping to be able to announce our 5th beta release in a matter of weeks. If you have any questions, please let us know!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-07-20

Ilios Project is hiring

The Ilios Project is looking for a few good people: If you are interested in working with us on the future of medical education, please check out and search on requisition #35511BR for details!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-05-16

Ilios 2.0.4b is now available!

The 4th beta release of the Ilios code is now available for download. This update includes user account management tools, External Directory ingestion, Printable Course Summary Views, and more!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-05-11

Please sign our guestbook

We'd love to know if you're one of the many folks who have begun to work with the Ilios code! And if you've downloaded the code, but not yet installed it, we'd love to help you get your installation running! But the only way we can do that is if we know who you are. So please, take a moment to sign the Ilios Guestbook at, and tell us what you think. Thanks!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-04-25

Ilios 2.0.3b is now available!

Beginning today, our latest codebase (Release_20110414) is available for download, along with an updated user guide. The new version includes course cloning and rollover, corrections of numerous bugs, and more.

Please take a moment to review the readme file; if you have already installed Ilios, we recommend you download now and update your existing installation with the new version. If not, we encourage you to download and try it today!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-04-14

Coming soon: version 2.0.3b!

We will soon be posting the new codebase and user guide for Ilios version 2.0.3b, which includes a whole raft of upgrades and enhancements, including better course and program selection interfaces, optimization upgrades, course rollover, student view enhancements, MeSH search upgrades, and much, much more!

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-04-06

Version 2.0.1b is now available!

As of March 2, 2011, Ilios 2.0.1 beta is now available for download, along with updated user documentation.

Among the items included in this release are a numerous minor UI modifications, including date standardization across the application, style tweaks and revisions, and bug fixes, as well as the following major system fixes and enhancements:

New Features:

• Management Console to allow for permissions assignment.
• Provide granular control over the publishing workflow for courses and sessions with pre-publishing checklists.
• Provide archiving controls to allow for the locking and filing of past curriculum.
• Provide controls to allow for multi-school lists such as competency domains.... read more

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-03-02

Post-Launch update 2

A lot has been happening behind the scenes here at Ilios, and we are pleased to announce that in just a few days we will be posting our first code revisions and enhancements for the application, as version 2.0.1b. Look for the new download package after March 1st, as well as an updated and expanded user guide! The 2.0.1b release includes feature enhancements for publishing, archiving, user access control, and much more; detailed release notes will be available along with the code upon release.... read more

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-02-28

Post-Launch update 1

Well, we've launched, and we're busy with the shakedown of our own deployment, which is going great. Along with all the effort to spin up the piloting of Ilios 2.0.0b, we are also mapping out the features to be launched in our next release. Look for greater calendar controls, administrative functions for user access control, course cloning and rollover, archival functions, more robust publishing workflow, and more!... read more

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-01-25

Source Code Now Available

The beta release of Ilios 2 is now available for download, along with the pilot User Guide.

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-01-21

Pre-Launch Preparations

We are on track for our initial launch target in the final week of this month, after which time our core codebase will be available for download, along with documentation. Once launch is live, UCSF will be piloting Ilios 2 in their professional schools and the technical team will be reviewing feedback, and determining the next set of features for development. We welcome any and all comment and input to the project, and look forward to the responses of the user and developer community.

Posted by sascha benjamin cohen 2011-01-12