Version 0.93 has now been released.
Unfortunately, due to sourceforge troubles, the documentation on the website is still 0.92 - please see the download for the correct documentation.
0.93 provides the following:
* Added macros for use in a larger project (about 20 developers/100 developer-months up to now), with a 4-tiered and modularized architecture on top of a large framework. Here is an excerpt from the documentation:
In larger systems, such compound rules introduce an additional level of abstraction, which helps to define the constraints more concisely. Here is an example of definitions for Yagl, which uses a macro called ===>:
===> :=
Yagl.\L.(*).** ---> Yagl.\R.\1.**
Yagl.\L.Models.** ---> Yagl.\R.IModels.**
Yagl.\L.Controllers.* ---> Yagl.\R.Views.*
Yagl.\L.Controllers.(*).** ---> Yagl.\R.Views.\1.**
Yagl.\L.Controllers.*.** ---> Yagl.\R.Controllers.*
Buttons ===> Labels
Grids ===> Buttons
Grids ===> Labels
* Added a few test cases to drive coverage to about 80%. However, exception paths make it impossible to reach 100% coverage.