
#285 ClassCastException retrieving default value from ThreadLocal in JRuby

v1.0 (example)

When booting JRuby 1.7, I get the following ClassCastException:

system ~/projects/jruby-1.7 $ mono ~/Downloads/ikvm/bin/ikvm.exe -Djruby.home=`pwd` -jar lib/jruby.jar -d -e "puts 'hello'"
java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
    at org.joni.StackMachine.fetchStack(
    at org.joni.StackMachine.<init>(
    at org.joni.ByteCodeMachine.<init>(
    at org.joni.MatcherFactory$1.create(
    at org.joni.Regex.matcher(
    at org.jruby.lexer.yacc.RubyYaccLexer.handleFileEncodingComment(

I'm not sure how to get Maven to run tests using ikvm, but I suspect the Joni tests would fail in a similar way.

The code that fails is here:

Seems like it might be a bug in ThreadLocal, since a few lines above this it seems to be allocating the right type of value. It's not clear why the implicit cast fails at this line.


  • Jeroen Frijters

    Jeroen Frijters - 2014-02-14

    This is probably a Mono bug. I have JRuby 1.7.0 running fine on the .NET Framework.

    • Charles Oliver Nutter

      Interesting. Unfortunately that dies limit my ability to get and keep JRuby
      running on ikvm. What are my chances of getting a Mono bug fixed?

      This is probably a Mono bug. I have JRuby 1.7.0 running fine on the .NET

      Status: open
      Created: Fri Feb 14, 2014 02:32 AM UTC by Charles Oliver Nutter
      Last Updated: Fri Feb 14, 2014 02:32 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      When booting JRuby 1.7, I get the following ClassCastException:

      system ~/projects/jruby-1.7 $ mono ~/Downloads/ikvm/bin/ikvm.exe -Djruby.home=pwd -jar lib/jruby.jar -d -e "puts 'hello'"java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
      at org.joni.StackMachine.fetchStack(
      at org.joni.StackMachine.<init>(
      at org.joni.ByteCodeMachine.<init>(
      at org.joni.MatcherFactory$1.create(
      at org.joni.Regex.matcher(
      at org.jruby.lexer.yacc.RubyYaccLexer.handleFileEncodingComment(

      I'm not sure how to get Maven to run tests using ikvm, but I suspect the
      Joni tests would fail in a similar way.

      The code that fails is here:

      Seems like it might be a bug in ThreadLocal, since a few lines above this
      it seems to be allocating the right type of value. It's not clear why the
      implicit cast fails at this line.

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  • Jeroen Frijters

    Jeroen Frijters - 2014-02-17

    I honestly don't know, but I suspect that unless someone takes the time to boil it down to a small C# repro, they won't bother investigating it (and I can't blame them).

    BTW, what versions of Mono and IKVM did you use?

    • Charles Oliver Nutter

      Latest release downloads of both.


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