
Query your metadata, not just your data!

iJSQL is a console-based interactive SQL query tool written in Java/JDBC. It goes beyond the norm in that it introduces a SQL-like syntax for interactively querying the DatabaseMetadata and ResultSetMetaData (using Java's reflection mechanism). The sorts of things this exposes are:

1) datatype, scale, and precision of a column;
2) whether or not a column autoincrements;
3) the level of ANSI SQL compliance of the database;
4) lists of reserved keywords, function names, etc.;
5) max allowed size of table / column names;
6) primary and foreign keys in a table;
7) whether or not NULL plus non-NULL equals NULL;
8) many, many more things.

It's my hope that these extensions will make iJSQL a very helpful tool for use during database application development. Also, since it doesn't require a GUI, it may be very suitable to remote administration.

The project is in a pre-Alpha status. It runs and performs much of the basic functionality required: query/insert/update/delete from the db; DatabaseMetaData queries of all methods that do not take arguments; ResultSetMetaData queries (currently being reworked); command history.

I'm using it quite a bit in my daily work, which convinces me that it's worthwhile, but needs more eyes and ideas. I'll be uploading to CVS and posting jobs very soon!

Posted by Bill Graham 2000-10-31

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