
IIPImage / News: Recent posts

iipsrv 1.2 released

Version 1.2 of iipsrv, the IIPImage server, is now officially released and available for download. This is a major new version containing a whole host of new features, major performance enhancements, optimizations, numerous bug-fixes and stability enhancements. Major new features include support for output in PNG and WebP formats, support for TIFF image stacks such as OME-TIFF, support for the new HTJ2K JPEG2000 format, improved IIIF support, new image processing functions and more.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2023-09-01 Labels: 1.2 release OME-TIFF HTJ2K JPEG2000 IIIF WebP PNG

Image Comparison of Ancient Mummy Portraits: The Appear Project

Guest blog post from the Getty Museum's Marie Svoboda on the APPEAR project showing how multi-modal image comparison using IIPImage can be used to study ancient Egyptian mummy portraits from the "Fayum" Roman period:

Posted by Ruven 2021-12-01 Labels: multi-modal fayum mummy portraits

iipsrv 1.1 released

Version 1.1 of iipsrv, the IIPImage server, is now officially released! This is a major new version containing a whole host of new features, major performance enhancements, optimizations, numerous bug-fixes and stability enhancements. Major new features include support for decoding JPEG2000 images via the OpenJPEG library, support for several new image processing functions, ICC profile and XMP embedding support, clean URL support and more.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2019-06-24 Labels: 1.1 Release IIIF JPEG2000 Server

IIPImage on Solaris

A binary distribution of iipsrv version 1.0 is now available for the latest version of Solaris, Solaris 11.3, for x86-based systems: iipsrv-1.0-solaris11.tar.bz2

This distribution contains both 32bit (x86_32/iipsrv.fcgi) and 64bit (x86_64/iipsrv.fcgi) compiled IIPImage server binaries (iipsrv.fcgi) for Intel-based x86 Solaris and an Apache 2.2 configuration file.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2017-05-15 Labels: Solaris IIPImage

IIPImage now an Official FreeBSD Package

IIPImage is is now an official FreeBSD package. As of version 1.0 of iipsrv, the IIPImage server is now included as part of the FreeBSD ports package collection. The iipsrv package, net/iipsrv, has binary builds available for both 32 and 64bit FreeBSD.

For more details and for installation instructions for Apache, Lighttpd and NginX, see this blog post on IIPImage and FreeBSD.

Posted by Ruven 2016-09-07 Labels: FreeBSD release image server

iipsrv 1.0

Version 1.0 of iipsrv, the IIPImage server, is now officially released! This is a major new version containing a whole host of new features, major performance enhancements, optimizations, numerous bug-fixes and stability enhancements. Major new features include support for the IIIF protocol, 32 bit floating point data support and several new image processing commands.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2016-03-22 Labels: release 1.0 server IIIF image server

IIPImage and Terabyte Scale Floating Point Astonomy Imagery

IIPImage has been adopted by a number of users in the astronomy community due to it’s ability to handle both very large images and scientific-grade quantitative data. IIPImage now supports full 32 bit floating point data, dynamic color-mapping, profile export and terabyte sized images.

For more details of these features, demos of the system in action and for information on an associated peer-reviewed published article, see this blog post.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2015-03-31 Labels: astronomy iipsrv visiomatic floating point

IIIF – The International Image Interoperability Framework

The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a protocol for standardized image retrieval created by a community of the world’s leading research libraries, major national libraries and not-for-profit image repositories.

IIPImage now fully supports version 2.0 of the image API. See this post for more information on IIIF and on how to configure IIPImage,

Posted by Ruven 2014-12-14 Labels: IIIF iipsrv iipmooviewer

IIPImage now an official Fedora Package

IIPImage is now an official stable Fedora package and is included out of the box with the new release of Fedora 19! The package is based on a recent build of the development version of iipsrv available from the Github repository.

The packages are also included in Fedora-based enterprise distributions such as CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux via the EPEL repository.

To install, simply use the default yum package manager:... read more

Posted by Ruven 2013-07-17

IIPImage now officially distributed as part of Ubuntu 12.10

IIPImage is now an official Ubuntu and Debian package! Version 0.9.9 of the IIPImage server is now distributed as part of the Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal release. It is also included in Debian’s Sid unstable branch, and testing branch from where it should migrate to become part of the forth-coming Debian 7 Wheezy release.

So, installing IIPImage is now extremely easy. To do so on Ubuntu 12.10, simply install iipimage-server via the graphical package manager or via the command line:... read more

Posted by Ruven 2012-10-22

iipsrv now on Github

The latest development code for iipsrv, the IIPImage server is now hosted on Github. This should make things far easier for developers to share code and to submit patches. You can check out the repository here

The latest code has a host of new features including:

  • Exact export resizing for both TIFF and JPEG2000
  • Improved interpolation algorithms for CVT export
  • Extended support for 1, 8, 16 and 32 bit images
  • Gamma support
  • Improved metadata handling
  • Performance improvements
  • Improved Windows compatibility
  • Bug fixes!
Posted by Ruven 2012-10-17

IIPAnalyze 0.2 Released

New release of IIPAnalyze, a tool for analyzing IIP protocol tile requests for use with the IIPImage server. This version adds the ability to filter by user agent as well as generate histograms showing how user activity varies over time from the user's first connection.

For more details see

Posted by Ruven 2012-07-31

Mac OS X build now available

A binary distribution is now available for Mac OS X users! The binary has been statically compiled with libtiff4 (including BigTIFF support), libjpeg8 and libmemcached to enable users to have IIPImage up and running instantly without the need to install any extra dependencies. The LLVM compiler distributed as part of Xcode was used to generate an optimized 64bit binary. It’s been built and tested on Snow Leopard, but should work with Lion and older 64bit Intel versions versions. A binary with JPEG2000 support is also available.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2012-07-03

IIPImage: Initial 0.1 Release of IIPAnalyze

This is the initial release of IIPAnalyze, a tool for analyzing IIP protocol tile requests for use with the IIPImage server. It can tell you which are the most-viewed regions of a particular image and display histograms showing tile usage, globally or per resolution level. It can also output hotspot image maps showing which regions of a particular image are most-viewed for any given resolution.

For more details see the documentation page: and the release blog post:

Posted by Ruven 2012-06-12

IIPImage on IIS7

It is now finally possible to install IIPImage on IIS7 and IIS7.5! See this illustrated tutorial on installing the IIPImage server on Microsoft Server IIS7:

Posted by Ruven 2011-08-02

IIPImage: Release of Server Version 0.9.9

IIPImage is an advanced high-performance feature-rich imaging server system for Web-based streamed viewing and zooming of ultra high-resolution images.

Version 0.9.9 includes performance enhancements, bugfixes, and several major new features including support for JPEG2000 images and caching via Memcached and for dynamic watermarking.

For further details see:

Posted by Ruven 2011-04-19

IIPImage: Release of version 0.2 of IIPZoom

IIPImage is an internet imaging server and client system for efficiently streaming, navigating and zooming within extremely high resolution images.

IIPZoom is a fast lightweight flash client for IIPImage featuring smooth, fluid panning and zooming. A new release is available featuring major bug fixes and new features. Please see Please see for more details.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2010-04-27

IIPImage: Initial 0.1 Release of IIPZoom

IIPImage is an internet imaging server and client system for efficiently streaming, navigating and zooming within extremely high resolution images.

IIPZoom is a fast lightweight flash client for IIPImage featuring smooth, fluid panning and zooming. This is the initial 0.1 release. Please see for more details.

Posted by Ruven 2010-02-26

IIPImage: Windows binary for iipsrv 0.9.8

IIPImage is an internet imaging server and client system for efficiently streaming, navigating and zooming within extremely high resolution images.

This is a binary release of the server for Windows 2000/XP for both Apache and IIS. The archive contains both the IIPImage server binary and all the required dll's. See for more details.

Posted by Ruven 2010-02-03

IIPImage: JPEG2000 Support

IIPImage is an internet imaging server and client system for efficiently streaming, navigating and zooming within extremely high resolution images.

JPEG2000 support is now available in the svn development repository. See for further details.

Posted by Ruven 2010-01-14

IIPImage: Release of server version 0.9.8

IIPImage is an internet imaging server and client system for efficiently streaming, navigating and zooming within extremely high resolution images.

This release contains some important security fixes and enhancements, improvements in performance, and several new features. Notably, image export via the CVT command to arbitrary pixel sizes and support for both the Zoomify and DeepZoom protocols, allowing IIPImage to be used with several 3rd party clients. In addition, there is image timestamping, improved HTTP header support, and numerous bugfixes.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2009-12-03

IIPImage: Version 1.1 of IIPMooViewer Released

IIPImage is an imaging client-server system for efficiently streaming, navigating and zooming within extremely high resolution images of
unlimited size.

IIPMooViewer is an Ajax Javascript client for the system that is compatible with all modern web browsers. This is a major new release including a host of new features such as navigation buttons, a draggable navigation window, a tile loading progress bar and the ability to overlay and blend images.... read more

Posted by Ruven 2008-09-09

IIPImage: Initial Release of Prototype port of Ajax Viewer

IIPImage is an imaging client-server system for efficiently viewing ultra high resolution (up to gigapixel size) images across the internet. This is the initial release of a port of the Ajax viewer to Prototype/Scriptaculous.

Posted by Ruven 2008-08-10

IIPImage: Initial Release of Hi Resolution Flash Viewer

IIPImage is an imaging client-server system for efficiently viewing ultra high resolution (up to gigapixel size) images across the internet. This is the initial release of fliipish, a Flash client for the system.

Posted by Ruven 2008-08-08

IIPImage: Windows release of server version 0.9.7

IIPImage is an imaging client-server system for efficiently viewing ultra high resolution images across the internet.

This is a Windows binary build of the 0.9.7 server module for FCGI-compatible Web servers, such as Apache 2.0 (not compatible with Apache 2.2), IIS 6.x, MyServer and Lighttpd.

Posted by Ruven 2007-08-06