
Windows 2019/IIS 10.0 and http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi gives 500 error

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-08-09


    First, I am not a systems nor an IIS expert by any means imaginable: I know just enough to get myself into trouble :)
    We have a customer who's been using IIPImage 1.0 for several years now on a Windows 2012 R2 server. They are migrating to a new machine: Windows 2019 with IIS 10.0. Unfortunately, when I try to use the /fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi URL I get an internal 500 error. I followed the same installation instructions I used to getting IIPImage 1.0 working on my own PC: Windows 10 Pro with IIS 10.0 and mine works just fine. I've set the permissions on C:\IIPServer for IIS_IUSRS and IUSR to have full control over everything (as well as my user account). Any ideas?

    Debra De Forest

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2023-08-11

    I don't know much about IIS either, but is there any more information in the iipsrv or IIS log files? And you say you're using iipsrv 1.0. Have you tried with version 1.1?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-08-11

    Yes I did try version 1.1 -- it too gave me the 500.0 internal error.
    The iipsrv log:

    Fri Aug 11 17:41:44 2023

    IIPImage Server. Version 1.1
    *** Ruven Pillay ***

    Verbosity level set to 1
    Running in FCGI mode

    Setting maximum image cache size to 10MB
    Setting filesystem prefix to ''
    Setting default JPEG quality to 90
    Setting maximum CVT size to 3000
    Setting HTTP Cache-Control header to 'max-age=86400'
    Setting 3D file sequence name pattern to 'pyr'
    Setting Cross Origin Resource Sharing to '*'
    Setting base URL to 'http://localhost/iguana/iiif/image/'
    Setting Allow Upscaling to true
    Setting ICC profile embedding to true
    Setting up JPEG2000 support via OpenJPEG
    Setting image processing engine to CPU processor

    Initialisation Complete.

    QUERY_STRING not set

    QUERY_STRING not set

    What's this QUERY_STRING that it's reporting not being set? Is that something new that we need to set in the iipsrv.exe application's Environment Variables?
    For Environment variables I defined the following:
    BASE_URL set to http://{dns}/IGUANA/iiif/image
    MAX_CVT set to 3000
    LOGFILE set to c:\IIPServer\logs\iipsrv.log
    VERBOSITY set to 1
    JPEG_QUALITY set to 90
    MAX_IMAGE_CACHE_SIZE set to 10
    CORS set to *

    As for IIS's log, assuming I'm looking in the right place for it (inetpub's logfile) it just has this when I tried the fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi URL:
    2023-08-11 21:57:23 GET /fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv:109.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/116.0 - 500 19 3 0

    Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 10.0

    Version: 1.0

    Date: 2023-08-11 22:00:55

    Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken

    2023-08-11 22:00:55 GET /admin/.env - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(X11;+Linux+x86_64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/81.0.4044.129+Safari/537.36 - 404 0 2 355

    Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 10.0

    Version: 1.0

    Date: 2023-08-11 22:09:02

    Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken

    2023-08-11 22:09:02 GET /fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv:109.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/116.0 - 500 0 3221225595 259
    2023-08-11 22:09:02 GET /favicon.ico - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv:109.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/116.0 http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi 404 0 2 3

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2023-08-13

    The QUERY_STRING is whatever is in your URL after the http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi part. So, as you haven't made a requested for an image or anything, you should get back an info message in your browser. There doesn't seem to be any error in the iipsrv log file and iipsrv seems to be working, so try increasing the VERBOSITY parameter to 6 and do a full request with an image like


    Exchange "image.ti" for your own image of course. This should give some more detailed feedback.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-08-14

    Well I did that and even rebooted the system but when I tried the URL http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=C:\NEWLADWEB\Benedict.tif&WID=500&CVT=JPEG still got the Internal 500.0 error but this time nothing was written into the iipsrv.log file for today.
    I can't even get the simple info screen (see attachment). I even tried re-adding the iipimage application in IIS before the reboot -- nada.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-08-16

    One additional bit of info that might help. I did try IIPImage version 0.99 on the site's 2019 server and that one DID give me the "IIPImage Server
    Version 0.99
    Project Home Page:
    Ruven Pillay" screen when I tried http://localhost/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi URL. Unfortunately, our software needs - at the very least - version 1.0 of your software to work and when I tried version 1.0 it too gave me the internal 500 error.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-08-25

    I ended up having to rebuild the IIPSrv package for 2019. Not an easy feat for someone who's never done anything like this before. The new package is working.

    • Ruven

      Ruven - 2023-08-25

      I'm glad it's now working! Did you rebuild using the instructions here: or did you have to change anything?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2023-08-25

    Yes for the most part I followed the instructions at that URL. Some of the instructions I struggled a bit with because I really didn't know what I was doing or what I was looking for... Probably made perfect sense to a system's person but not to a little ole data application programmer like me :).
    But my tests on the customer's system after installing the new iipsrv.fcgi seemed to work so I guess I got did it right...

    • Ruven

      Ruven - 2023-08-29

      If you had to do anything differently or have any suggestions on how to make the instructions clearer, please let me know.



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