
iTunes Artwork Grabber / News: Recent posts

iGrabber goes Beta!

Beta release for iGrabber - includes almost all functionality. Automatic searching and adding of album art for all tracks selected in iTunes, using Amazon web service.

Also has a manual function to allow easy, customisable album art searching.

All you need is iTunes, a music library and an internet connection. Try it out, and leave comments, bug reports and requests in the forums.


Posted by Leo 2006-04-23

iGrabber Alpha v1.2 Release

New version of iGrabber released for testing!

This one implements manual grabbing, so if the automatic function has trouble finding album art for some tracks, these can be manually searched and added in the second tab.

The image box in this tab can also be clicked to display a dialog with the image at its full size.

Pause button in auto tab is buggy, as are some other features, but overall this release is a big step towards reaching the beta phase.... read more

Posted by Leo 2006-04-20

iGrabber Alpha Release

The iTunes Artwork Grabber project has seen its first official release today. An alpha version with limited functionality has been released for testing. It can currently add album art to each track from a chosen list automatically using Amazon web services. For more information check out

Posted by Leo 2006-04-12