

Xiaoqiang Wang

This project provides EPICS Channel Access client interface for WaveMetrics IGOR Pro. It uses IGOR XOP Toolkit to expose EPICS Channel Access functions as IGOR Operations.

The current release is 0.4.0 and changes are in the [ReleaseNotes].


This extension adds the following operations to IGOR Pro to open/close, read/write EPICS channels:

Operation Comment
pvOpen Open a channel connection
pvWait Wait for connections to be established
pvClose Close a channel connection
pvGet Read numeric or string value from channel
pvGetWave Read numeric or string array from channel
pvPutNumber Write numeric value to channel
pvPutString Write string value to channel
pvPutWave Write numeric or string array to channel
pvMonitor Monitor channel value change and invoke user defined function
pvInfo Read information from channel

More detailed help is available in Igor help file, which is available in Igor Help Browser dialog after installation.


  1. Windows
    1. Extract (Windows) to C:\Windows.
    2. Download most recent release, named like
    3. Open file Explorer and navigate to "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 7 User Files"</username>
    4. Unzip EPICS.xop to folder "Igor Extensions" or EPICS64.xop to folder Igor Extensions (64-bit).
    5. Unzip EPICS Helper.ihf to folder "Igor Help Files"
    6. You might need to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.
  2. macOS
    1. Extract (macOS) to /usr/local/bin.
    2. Download most recent release, named like EPICS_x.x.x_osx.dmg.
    3. Open Finder and navigate to "Documents/WaveMetrics/Igor Pro 7 User Files"
    4. Unzip EPICS.xop to folder "Igor Extensions" or EPICS64.xop to folder Igor Extensions (64-bit).
    5. Unzip EPICS Helper.ihf to folder "Igor Help Files"
  3. Re-launch IGOR Pro and execute command DisplayHelpTopic "EPICS XOP" to display the manual. Have a look at the example usages.


This instruction assumes the knowledge of building an IGOR XOP project. Chapter 3 of XOP Toolkit manual is a good reference.

  1. Requirements:
    • EPICS 3.14. It should be built statically and thus only one "EPICS.xop" file is needed to distribute.
    • IGOR XOP Toolkit. It is not free and costs $100.
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 on Windows.
    • Xcode on macOS.
  2. Get source from Git repository, e.g. with a command line client,
    git clone git:// igor2epics
    Or simply download a snapshot.

  3. Put XOPSupport folder from IGOR XOP Toolkit side by side igor2epics source folder.

  4. On macOS using Xcode. Open Xcode/EPICS.xcodeproj. In the "EPICS" project info dialog Build tab, change Header Search Paths and Library Search Paths to reflect your EPICS base setup, e.g. /Developer/epics/base-3.14.12, In order to link to the static libraries thus portable, remove *.dylib under /Developer/epics/base-3.14.12/lib/darwin-x86. Now select the architecture to build from menu Product->Scheme, EPICS for 32bit and EPICS64 for 64bit. Now build the product, and EPICS.xop or EPICS64.xop should be created under Products in the Project navigator.
  5. on Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, Open solution VC2015/EPICS.sln. In the "EPICS" project properties pages, change the Additional Include Directories and Additional Library Directories to reflect your EPICS base setup. By default the EPICS base is C:\epics\base-3.14.12*. Now build solution, and EPICS.xop or EPICS64.xop" (based on the active solution platform) should be created under VC2015.


Wiki: ReleaseNotes