
Ignoramus- A Nagios Config Generator / News: Recent posts

Development Status

Hi Guys,

I just want to inform you that I have not abandoned the project, I am currently busy as hell at work and I just dont have the time to work on Ignoramus. As soon as things slow down at work I will continue with the development of the next release. Please bear with me. Any comments / Suggestions for the next release will be appriciated! So send in those feature Requests to:,... read more

Posted by monkinsane 2008-07-17

Ignoramus - Version 0.3 Development News

Hi all,

I have been looking for a way to open files for editing using only PHP, but the only way does not leave much flexibility.

I have therefore decided to use a database-oriented approach. I had hoped that this will not be necessary, since it would make the installation and configuration of Ignoramus much more complex - but there just seems to be no other way of doing it.

Therefore, version 0.3 will be reliant on a MySQL database to store the Nagios configuration commands to be written to file after configuration is complete.... read more

Posted by monkinsane 2008-05-29

Ignoramus Version 0.2.3 Stable Released!

Hi Guys!

Version 0.2.3 has been released, and with it comes the functionality to append new items (services, hosts, etc...) directly to your live Nagios config files!!

You no longer have to copy the item out of the file in the CFG directory and paste it into your config files manually when you want to add an item to an already existing file!

IGNORAMUS 0.2.3 Release Notes
==============================... read more

Posted by monkinsane 2008-04-29

Ignoramus - Version 0.2.3 Development Started

I have started with the next release.

I plan to add a lot of check commands to the list on the Services Config Page.

Also I plan to implement a function so you can directly append to your nagios configuration files.

Editing an allready generated config is at this moment still out of reach, but will hopefully soon be implemented.

Will keep you up to date on the progress of Version 0.2.3 .



Posted by monkinsane 2008-04-11

Ignoramus - Version 0.2.2 Released!


Version 0.2.2 Is ready and released. Enjoy!

I basically just added Checks that will stop you from generating a config file which does not have all the directives required by nagios.

Version 0.2.2 Changes

--> Added Required Directive Checks to all Pages.
--> Added text to identify Required Directives on all pages.
--> Fixed incorrect comma placement on file write command on "Contacts Config" page.

Posted by monkinsane 2008-04-04

Ignoramus Version 0.2.1 Released!


Version 0.2.1 is done and released,and I strongly suggest that you update to the new one!! Enjoy!!

And Please, Send me your bug Reports and Feature requests! I want Ignoramus to be the best Config Utility for Nagios 3.0 out there, and to do that I need YOUR help!!

Version 0.2.1 Changes

--> Fixed bug in "Services Config" page where script would write 2 check commands to output file.... read more

Posted by monkinsane 2008-04-01

Ignoramus 0.2 Stable Released!!


Version 0.2 is done and released,and I strongly suggest that anyone who downloaded my first release - update to the new one!! Enjoy!!

And Please, Send me your bug Reports and Feature requests! I want Ignoramus to be the best Config Utility for Nagios 3.0 out there, and to do that I need YOUR help!!

Version 0.2 Changes

--> Added a "Generated by Ignoramus" banner to all generated files.... read more

Posted by monkinsane 2008-03-26