
ignitionDb / News: Recent posts

Support for the <>=! operators!

< && > is probably easily understood, the = is a normal equal operator and the ! is the "NOT EQUAL" operator...
These are used instead of the # separating the column and the Regular Expression.
These should be pretty much faster then using Regular Expressions, and the <> and ! is probably "impossible" with normal regular expressions...

Posted by Thomas Hansen 2003-10-29

IgnitionDb is recruting...

I'd like to have somebodyy helping me out on the project, need webdesigners, C++ people (ATL, STL, COM, COM+) and client builders (C#, J#, Java, FoxPro, etc...)

Posted by Thomas Hansen 2003-10-28

Types in IgnitionDb

IgnitionDb does now have support for types.
DATE is an 8 byte long integer value consisting of yyyyMMdd
DATETIME is a 14 bytes long integer value consisting of yyyyMMddHHmmss
INT is a 12 bytes long integer
and STRING (the only type with generic length) is exactly what it says, namely a string...

Posted by Thomas Hansen 2003-10-27

Sticky Notes

I've finally gotten to make a demo application that uses IgnitionDb.
The application is a C# application that manages "Yellow Notes", or appointments plus also contacts...
Kind of a minimalistic CRM system...
It uses IgnitionDb as it's database engine and show e.g. how to use a many-to-many relation in IgnitionDb

Quite neat on it's own for those with not very high demands on their CRM system...

Posted by Thomas Hansen 2003-10-27