
IGA Ad Cache Editor / News: Recent posts

IGA Ad Cache Editor 0.1.6

New Release!

What's new in 0.1.6:

- Modified DDSReader so that it would use "unsafe" code to do it's work much faster on Windows (and Microsoft's .NET CLR), due to some severe performance issues with Microsoft's version of .NET.
- New "thumbnails" view, so you can see all the ads at once. Press the "Switch View" button on the menu bar to switch between thumbnails view and details view. If there is demand, this may become the default view in future.
- Fixed some problems with case sensitivity errors with the property 'zoneId'. It has been accientally used as 'zoneid' in many areas in the past. They have all been corrected. If records made by old versions of the software are causing the program to crash after editing a record, you will need to delete the record and recreate it.
- Records that are orphans (that is, they have no entry in the 'contentlist' table), are now marked and repairable. This will fix issues that you may have had where orphaned records (either orphaned by IGA's software or by a bug in earlier versions of the software where new records wouldn't show up). There's also a new "Orphan" property in ContentEntry so that they can be detected. There's also a new function in IGADatabaseConnector to allow you to repair them.
- The main view's context menu can be triggered by pressing either Enter while an entry is selected.... read more

Posted by Michael (micolous) 2007-03-03

IGA Ad Cache Editor

There were some bugs with, so it warrants a minor update!

- Due to a small typo on my part, ads with an expiry date set would cause the program to crash. This has been fixed.
- Added some more weblinks to various resources. Please email me if you have any more!
- Also fixed a bug where new ads weren't being added to the contentlist table. This means adding new ads works properly.

The executables are available for download at: read more

Posted by Michael (micolous) 2006-12-29

IGA Ad Cache Editor 0.1.5

A new release of IGA Ad Cache Editor: The "I gotta stop playing Warcraft if I expect to get any development work done" edition. (0.1.5)

What's new in 0.1.5:

- New abstracted database connection system, "IGADatabaseConnector". This is a part of the "IGA Common" module. This allows you to write non-WinForms interfaces using the same engine. At the moment there is a GTK# version in some development available from the igaeditor SVN repository.
- The AdPackSupport libraries are now no longer used. The AdPackImportForm and AdPackExportForm are now a part of the main module again, and the AdPack and AdPackEntry classes are now a part of IGACommon. As a result, IGACommon.dll now depends on SharpZipLib.
- Localisable stubs added.
- The "vaccum/shrink database" menu item is now no longer disabled if an unsupported appId is found.
- Mono.Data.SqliteClient is used in favour of System.Data.SQLite, so to allow for cross-platform support.
- DDSReader has undergone a major overhaul, with native .NET DDS reading. As a result, DDSReader no longer depends on DevIL or DevIL.NET. This means that the program, uncompressed, is about 1MB smaller. At the moment, the library only supports DXT1 and DXT3 compression modes. Other decompressors are to be added in future versions. Think of it as a test of "will my image work in the game"... the game doesn't support the uncompressed images. :)
- IGACommon and DDSReader now build under Mono without issues.
- DDSReader is now licensed under the LGPL (it was previously licensed under a BSD license). This is due to the code ported to C# from DevIL.... read more

Posted by Michael (micolous) 2006-12-20

IGA Ad Cache Editor 0.1.4 released

This release of the IGA Ad Cache Editor (formally Battlefield 2142 Ad Cache Editor) marks some milestones:

- The software is open sourced (most of it is GPL, the DDSViewer library is BSD)
- It is now called "IGA Ad Cache Editor".

More changes are in the readme file and the changelog.

You can download the sources here: read more

Posted by Michael (micolous) 2006-11-07