
IFC Json

abood noah
  • abood noah

    abood noah - 2022-03-11

    can IfcOpenShell read Ifc json ?
    at home page there nothing about Ifc json
    "IfcOpenShell is a work in progress. At the moment only files with the .ifc extension are supported (technically known as IFC-SPF). Support for IFC-XML and IFC-ZIP will be added in the future."
    it would be great to support also Ifc json

  • Thomas Krijnen

    Thomas Krijnen - 2022-03-12

    In the core of ifcopenshell (C++) there is no support, but you can have a look at how support for ifcjson is implemented in blenderbim for example by just leveraging the existing ifcjson implementation from Jan Brouwer (which in turn uses IfcOpenShell again)


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