
IfcSpace representation convert to dae

  • Balint Bende

    Balint Bende - 2020-09-17


    Is it possible to convert the ifcspace representation to dae format? I can not find it, maybe there is some input parameter that we have to set.


  • Thomas Krijnen

    Thomas Krijnen - 2020-09-19

    The default in IfcConvert is to exclude IfcSpace and IfcOpeningElement by means of the default entity filter. So you can IfcConvert in.ifc out.dae --exclude entities IfcOpeningElement to reduce the exclusion to only openings.

    Edit: the order is important, due to the entities argument taking multiple arguments it has to go at the end.


    Last edit: Thomas Krijnen 2020-09-19
  • Balint Bende

    Balint Bende - 2020-09-21

    Thanks for your answear, it works fine.


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