
Ifcconvert: Output file to a stream ?

  • aszfaf

    aszfaf - 2022-01-14

    Can Ifcconvert commandline output an .obj file to a stream rather than a file? I am getting large tmp files and running out of tmp space on aws lambda so thinking of a workaround


    Last edit: aszfaf 2022-01-14
    • Thomas Krijnen

      Thomas Krijnen - 2022-01-14

      What is a stream here precisely? You mean something like stdout or network stuff?

      Currently there isn't anything for that, but if you want to take the initiative to build it, I'd happily assist. I think writing to stdout is fairly straightforward, we'd just use a convention on the command line such as - to denote stdout instead of filename (common in unix tools).

      We already have this interface for the serializers to specify either file or filestream we just need to make it more general to std::ostream instead of std::ofstream.

  • aszfaf

    aszfaf - 2022-01-16

    Oh cool I have a look. Depends a bit on priorities if i get around to it


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