Assuming you want to use Python. You have three options, depending on what you want to accomplish:
Extract the raw coordinates, with"IfcCartesianPoint") these will be mostly incoherent and in the coordinate systems of the individual elements.
Use PythonOCC and extract vertices using TopExp_Explorer[1]
Use the triangulated coordinates from ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(...).geometry.verts
Hi all,
I am facing a problem in extracting vertices points for a BIM model? could anyone help me in finding coordinates?
Assuming you want to use Python. You have three options, depending on what you want to accomplish:"IfcCartesianPoint")
these will be mostly incoherent and in the coordinate systems of the individual elements.TopExp_Explorer
Hope that helps,
Kind regards,
Hi Thomas, I need the vertix or points) of Ifcwall. I tried to follow your attached link but it is not availabe. Please direct me
The link is working now. If you have more detailed questions let me know.