I downloaded and tried to run IfcConvert on one of my Ifc files and this was the result:
IfcConvert.exe pipe1.ifc pipe1.stp Scanning file... Done scanning file Creating geometry... Done creating geometry Log:
*[Error] No operation defined for: #69=IfcBooleanResult(.DIFFERENCE.,#62,#68)
I suppose, that it is the operation of subtracting plane from pipe in the ifc file, that fails. Is it possibile, that latest version of IfcConvert doesn't support this basic operation? Is there any difference in IfcOpenSheel and IfcConvert, in regard of this?
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Support for this was added a long time ago, but just after the latest build of 0.4.0 was released. If you let me know your operating system and platform I can supply you with a test build for 0.5.0 or you can compile it yourself from source.
Hope that helps,
Kind regards,
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I downloaded and tried to run IfcConvert on one of my Ifc files and this was the result:
IfcConvert.exe pipe1.ifc pipe1.stp
Scanning file...
Done scanning file
Creating geometry...
Done creating geometry
*[Error] No operation defined for:
I suppose, that it is the operation of subtracting plane from pipe in the ifc file, that fails. Is it possibile, that latest version of IfcConvert doesn't support this basic operation? Is there any difference in IfcOpenSheel and IfcConvert, in regard of this?
Support for this was added a long time ago, but just after the latest build of 0.4.0 was released. If you let me know your operating system and platform I can supply you with a test build for 0.5.0 or you can compile it yourself from source.
Hope that helps,
Kind regards,
Hello Thomas,
that's very good news, thank You. I'll try to compile latest version from source files.