
Update on IfcConvert

  • Vincent Boosten

    Vincent Boosten - 2018-06-20

    Hello there,

    First of all, I wanted to thank you people that are working on this
    wonderful API, you are doing a great job.

    I know that this might be a regularly asked question and you may be not
    willing to answer it, but I wanted to ask anyway to see if there was an

    So, is there a date for the next release of IfcConvert and/or is the IFC4
    support going well and included in this next update ?

    Best regard,


  • Thomas Krijnen

    Thomas Krijnen - 2018-06-22

    Hi Vincent,

    My advise is always to compile yourself. It's really trivial with the latest build scripts and allows to configure things that are not feasible to publish as part of releases. If you compile yourself you can choose the exact schema you link to. The new 0.6 branch (kind of developed simulatenously now with 0.5) will enable multiple schemas at runtime. There is no date for set for a new release, we hope to setup continuous integeration within a reasonable time frame to have automatic releases once newer changes come in.

    Kind regards,

  • Vincent Boosten

    Vincent Boosten - 2018-06-26

    Hi Thomas,

    Thank you for your response.
    With what you said in mind, I'll try to compile myself.

    Best regard,


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