
ifc_file.createIfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots() not yet implemented?

  • Sondre Bergo

    Sondre Bergo - 2022-08-06

    As the title says, I am wondering if "IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots" isn't implemented yet?
    I get an error when trying to create an instance. I want to create ifc geometry from Rhino NURBS..
    BR Sondre

  • Sondre Bergo

    Sondre Bergo - 2022-08-06

    OP here again, I tried running similar commands in Blender 3.0, and it works! Unfortunately all "advanced" brep related entities doesnt work (Like IfcAdvancedBrep, IfcBSplineSurface, IfcBSplineCurve etc.) when I am using VSCode and the IfcOpenShell build for Python 3.8 I downloaded from "" and unpacked into my "site-packages".

    I guess my original question is changed to: How do I install the correct ifcopenshell version? I guess I can use the Blender scripting environment in the meantime, but I would prefer to be able to run scripts locally from a terminal sometime:)

  • Sondre Bergo

    Sondre Bergo - 2022-08-07

    Hi, OP once more:
    I realized what I had been doing wrong: I used schema IFC2x3 by default, instead of specifying IFC4 explicitly. The classes I am trying to access doesn't exist in IFC2x3. I am sorry for creating posts around this kind of user mistakes, and will try to avoid similar posts about "nothing" in the future..

  • Thomas Krijnen

    Thomas Krijnen - 2022-08-08

    No worries :) I was travelling otherwise I would have responded earlier

    The entity creation you're referring to is automatically generated from the schema so has no missing parts.

    DIfferences between schemas can indeed be confusing.


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