
Exporting GSA Gross Design Area

Angel Velez

Exporting GSA Gross Design Area

Before v2.8.1 of the exporter, Revit only exported gross interior areas. These were exported only if neither the GSA 2010 nor Coordination View 2.0 settings were used, and export base quantities wasn't set. Regardless of the name of the area, the name was changed on output to "GSA Gross Design Area " + the level name, and a quantity set with the area was created.

Starting in v2.8.1 of the exporter all areas can now be exported. To continue allowing special GSA functionality, the quantity set with the area value will be exported if the Area name contains (not necessary is equal to) "GSA Design Gross Area".

This is subject to change based on customer feedback.


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  • Håvard Dagsvik

    Håvard Dagsvik - 2013-03-10


    Sorry but im not able to make this work.
    Using "GSA Design Gross Area" as the Area.Name has no effect here.
    This is my export settings:

    Any idea what could be wrong ?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2013-03-10

    There is a slight mismatch between Revit Space naming and IFC Space naming.

    The IfcSpace.Name comes from the Revit Room/Area/Space NUMBER.
    The IfcSpace.LongName comes from the Revit Room/Area/Space NAME.

    Try changing the number in your example, not the name.

    I will put this in the Wiki.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Angel,

    With the 2.8.1. exporter & 1.8.1 UI, I tried the "GSA" export settings, with the above mentioned naming (as Room number), but with no luck.
    With the "Default2x3" settings, I get the Gross Areas exported. But as I change the setting of 1st level space boundaries to 2nd level, no area is exported.

    Any suggestion?



    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2013-03-12
  • Håvard Dagsvik

    Håvard Dagsvik - 2013-03-12

    Hi with the 2.81 version my gross Area object is exported as IfcSpace.
    I have "GSA Design Gross Area" as Room Number.
    I do get it to export using GSA as well as CV2 with or without base quantities.
    Its not exported when using 2nd level space boundaries.
    Not sure if thats by design or not.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Indeed, if I change the space boundaries - in the exportpreset of the standard GSA settings - from 2nd level to 1st level, it is working fine. But it would be nice to get it working with the 2nd level too.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2013-03-14

    Sorry for the slow response to this thread - I have been heavily involved with the buildingSMART ISG meetings and am caching up on emails (and forum posts). While we did do work to allow Areas to be exported - and changed the way that the GSA areas are discovered - we didn't fix the 2nd level space boundary issue. I consider it a bug and we will fix it in an upcoming release, we just didn't get to it in this first pass. I appreciate your testing of this.


  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Fair enough! Thanks for clearing this up.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2013-03-16

    Hi Dark and Havard,

    Could you provide a simple test file as an attachment that shows the GSA Design Gross Area that exports with 1st level space boundaries set but not 2nd level space boundaries set? I did a simple test, and it seems to export with either. Thanks!


  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Angel,
    attached the simple test file.


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2013-03-16
    • Angel Velez

      Angel Velez - 2013-03-16

      Thank you both. I was able to reproduce the problem - the areas aren't part of the energy analysis model that generate the 2nd level space boundaries, and as such aren't exported. I will export areas regardless of whether they are part of the model or not.

  • Nikolaj Slumstrup Petersen


    I cannot get it to work. I am able to export areas but it seems to convert my 'Gross Building Areas' to 'rooms' as well as limit the boundaries to only the walls/edges of the room containing the area tag - regardless of space boundary setting. All areas have the name and number "GSA Design Gross Area Level[x]" (x being the level of the floor area).

    Any idea what could cause this?

      • Nikolaj

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