
IFC4RV dislocated spaces?

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Seems that in the IFC4RV1-export something triggers to dislocate some spaces.
    In IFC2x3CV2 they are steadily located in the tower, which I had to blur out :-(
    Can't post this model, so I have to find out if I can replicate it in some way.

    I will first try to find out if it's just this model having this issue (because it's the first one where I did the IFC4RV1 export for spaces), or if I see it happening in more models.

    PS: Good news: in this model all 1827 spaces are exported, although some Viewers only are showing 322. But with FZK Viewer and BIM Vision, they are all there.


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-06-13
  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Tested a 2nd, 3rd and 4th model, from different contractors, and unfortunately they are also showing some dislocated spaces in the IFC4RV1-export.
    But I still haven't been able to find out what the common difference is, in order to be able to replicate it in a sample.

    I also tried the Revit2018 RAC sample. These (a little bit easy peasy) rooms are all remaining in place.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    A common thing in the models seems to be some curved boundaries (and/or round columns), but most of all the presence of room separation lines.
    In the attached sample the combination of room separation line 1 and 2 seems to make the room jumpy in the IFC4RV1 export (while it exports OK in IFC2x3CV2).
    If you redraw room separation line 1 (see screenshot number), or if you delete 2, than the room stays on its correct location.

    So there is something in the room separation line that triggers the room to jump to another location.

    In another model I also managed to fiddle around with the room separation lines to get the space back to its original location (but that will not be a realistic thing to do with a bunch of models)

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Retested the sample, as well as a real model with this issue, with R2019 and current Github exporter version: issue seems to be fixed!
    (I didn't figure out which commit is contributing in the fix of this issue)


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