
IFC Classifications

  • PhilBTheOne

    PhilBTheOne - 2018-06-05


    Via the enhanced IFC Exporter there is this option to set Classification via Classification field name (in Classification settings).

    My question is:
    Is there a possibility to add more than 1 classification while exporting to ifc? e.g. instead of only allowing 1 shared parameter to be used allow 3-4?
    I am working with Civil 3D as well and it is possible there.

    Thanks in advance for your answeres!

  • Wawan Solihin

    Wawan Solihin - 2018-06-05

    Yes currently the export UI (Classification setting) has a limitation that only supports one Classification details (for additional information such as date, location, a field name.

    To support multiple classifications, there is a possibility to assign multiple classifications (up to 10 supported) by using parameter:
    ClassificationCode, ClassificationCode(2), ClassificationCode(3), ..., ClassificationCode(10)
    The parameter value follows a certain format containing classification name, classification item code, classification item description/name. For details you may find it here under item no 6:

    Hope that helps,

    • Ewoud Schiefer

      Ewoud Schiefer - 2018-06-08

      Hello Wawan,
      This sounds nice but it actually does not seem to be working very well. When applying multiple ClassificationCodes it seems to randomly choose which one gets exported to IFC. When lets say 4 different ClassificationCodes are applied (as a type parameter wich is the logical option, same as Asembly Code, for a classification) all elements of that type get classified by a different ClassificationCode in IFC. So one element is classified by the ClassificationCode(2) and the other element of the same revit-type gets classified by the ClassificationCode(4). And only one of the ClassificationCode gets exported to IFC. So no more the 2 classifications can be applied to an element.
      Is this a known problem or am i missing something crucial in creating the right parameters in Revit?

      Another question i have: Which parameter can be created to also fill in the 'name' field (Assembly Description for the classification by assembly code parameter)?

      Thanks in advance for your answers.

      • PhilBTheOne

        PhilBTheOne - 2018-06-08

        I guess the prooblem here is that you have to write it in a certain way.
        ClassifcationCode: [Class1]Sublclass1
        ClassifcationCode(1): [Class2]Subclass2
        If you only use text without [] it overwrites the previous Classification because it uses it as the Main Class.

        Bad explanation - better see Wawan's Link!

        • Ewoud Schiefer

          Ewoud Schiefer - 2018-06-21

          Indeed it works fine when the parameter is filled in in that way. [name]code;description
          Thank you.

  • PhilBTheOne

    PhilBTheOne - 2018-06-06

    Thanks a lot - this was exactly what I needed.

    This is really great!

    Kind regards,


  • PhilBTheOne

    PhilBTheOne - 2018-06-07

    Hello again!

    I don't want to sound too greedy but I actually have the need for more than 10(+1) classificiations.
    Is there maybe another/additional way to solve this?

    Kind regards,

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-07

    10 was picked as an arbitrary "no one needs more than 10" number, which was clearly wrong :) How many classifications do you need, and why? That would help us understand what a better number would be.

  • PhilBTheOne

    PhilBTheOne - 2018-06-07

    I work in a field where ifc and the useable entities (e.g. no road or tunnel entity) are not as provided/developed as we need them.
    This is why I use this classification system to classify them without needing this e.g. ifcRoad developed.
    Also our contractor wants us to be far more detailed and has his own system, which he needs for mantainance this is why we want to use Revit/Civil 3D to already pre filter this.

    e.g.: we have a room1 in a big-room2, in a bigger- room3, in a even bigger a project.
    And we want room1 to know he belongs to bigger room3 as well as room4, etc but as pre-set filter (via the classification).
    But there are not only rooms but the same system with spaces.
    (We are not really using rooms/spaces but I think this makes clear what the task is)

    From my point of view ClassificationCode(15) would be enough, i guess.

    My goal is to have 1 system for Revit and for Civil3D and also in order to use dynamo etc properly I don't want to use the different ClassifcationCodes(0-10) for different rooms and/or spaces.

    Hope this explains what my problem is :)

  • Jmatos

    Jmatos - 2020-06-12

    Hi guys, I'm trying to classify an object twice in the same classification system using Revit. I've created both parameter ClassificationCode and ClassificationCode(2) but in the IFC file only one appears. I realized that if I the classification name is the same, in the IFC file only one classification code will remain in the object. Does anybody know a way to get two classification codes with the same classification name for a single object?
    (example: we can classify an object in Uniclass in both Ss and Pr tables simultaneously, and the classification name remains "Uniclass" for both).
    Thank you


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