

  • miquel rodriguez niedenführ

    In version 2017 I could define a IfcName parameter by Type in a Family (rfa) and I could control de EntityType.Name, and I could define a IfcName as a project parameter and I could control de Entity.Name. So this means, for example, a column I could control his name and his typename.
    Now with version 2018 it's not possible. Why?

  • miquel rodriguez niedenführ

    HI another time,
    for the IfcName I solved it using NameOverride for the Instance parameter, but I would like to do the same with the IfcDescription, to have 2 different descriptions.
    With 2017 version it was possible.
    Thank you in advance

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Miquel,

    It's still possible to use the "same" parameter as instance-parameter and as type-parameter. But to be able to add the "same" parameter, you've to edit the shared_parameter_text_file.
    If you use "IfcName" as instance parameter, you could add "IFCName" as type parameter (of course with a different GUID)!

    PARAM cf633970-73fe-49cd-b03e-af60d49d4deb IfcName TEXT 21 1 1
    PARAM e8b5c31d-e7ca-4831-8fcb-6513f3e21812 IFCName TEXT 21 1 1

    Same for IfcDescription and IFCDescription.

    In the code of the exporter, the capitals are ignored, so it's working well.
    You could also make other variations, since also a space in a parameter is ignored.

    There is even more.
    By browsing through the code, I noticed that it's also possible to use the parameter "IfcName[Type]".
    I've tried it and it's working (in R2018). But you've to add it directly in the textfile, because Revit is not allowing to add a parameter with these brackets [ ].
    In the code I also find "IfcDescription[Type]", but for some dark reason this isn't working at the time.



    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-04-02
  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    In case you use Solibri, you'll probably notice that the override at instancelevel (with IfcName and IfcDescription) isn't working for IfcDoor, but that's a Solibri issue. The IFCexport is OK.

    [issue is reported to Solibri at 2018-04-03]


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-04-03
  • miquel rodriguez niedenführ

    Thanks Dirk for your help.
    I'm a structural engineer, so I do not care about doors ;).
    Thank you another time for your help.

  • miquel rodriguez niedenführ

    To edit the shared parameter file, any recomendation to create a new GUID for the parameter?.
    For example to copy the original one, and just change the last number?

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    that's funny, that's exactly what I did this morning with another parameter, I just changed the last number. Normally I just add a bogusparameter in the normal way, and then I use the GUID that's Revit creating for it.

  • miquel rodriguez niedenführ

    Ok Dirk, I did not think about this method, but it's evident that this is the one that give us more guarantee to not have an error.


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