Hello everyone,

I am on my way to deliver my first structural IFC model to contractor, but now I am facing a problem. I hope someone here could guide me to right direction:

I have a problem regarding how openings are being exported to Solibri. Some of the openings of my composite walls (divided to parts) are coming out as "opening solids" and some as voids (as desired). The contractor who is calculating masses with excel from Solibri Model Checker wishes to see net volume of walls. Now there are both net & gross volumes depending on the wall in my model, even though all of the openings have been made basically with the same window opening family.

The problem affects only composite walls which have been brought to parts.

I have observed this:
If the wall has a door opening, all of its window openings export as voids as I wish it to.
If the wall has no doors, then all of its window openings export as "opening solids" and they doesn't subtract from the walls volume in the excel my client is getting from Solibri.

Some of my export settings below:
IFC Version: IFC 2x3 Coordination View 2.0
Level of detail for some element geometry: Low
Export parts as building elements: No

Coordination 3D View where I export from: Parts Visibility: "Show Parts"

If I export with Parts Visibility: "Show Original", all of the openings come correct as voids. But this is not acceptable, as the model geometry has been built using parts and I neet to export my model with parts to ifc, so my walls volumes come correctly.

Even with parts some of the openings behave as voids as I wish them to, so I would expect it's possible to make all of the openings behave the same way.

I am a beginner and I hope someone more experienced people could me with this.
Thank you.


Last edit: Ville Kantelinen 2017-02-23