
Revit 'Phase Demolished' not exported to IFC

  • Robert Klempau

    Robert Klempau - 2021-04-18


    Can anyonne tell me why the Revit parameter 'Phase Demolished' will not be exported to IFC?
    Not when I export all Revit parameters and also not when creating a custom properties set for this parameter.
    When using also the custom properties set, the parameter '02_Phase_Demolished' , that is maped to the Revit parameter 'Phase Demolished', will stay empty. The parameter 'Phase Created' is exported correct.

    Kind regards,

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2021-04-27

    I do see Phase Demolished exported when I export Revit Property Sets. It goes under a group "Phasing." If the element is not demolished in any phase, then the parameter will be empty and does not get exported. If you need this parameter for all elements you could make some far future phase and call it "Never"


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