
IfcElementComponent (18.3.0)

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    It seems to be that the IfcClasses
    - IfcDiscreteAccessory
    - IfcFastener
    - IfcMechanicalFastener
    only are exported as IfcBuildingElementProxy with the current version (18.3.0) in IFC2x3CV2 and IFC4DTV

    Bug or intentional :-) ?

    Best regards,

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-02-07

    We'll find out! Can you include a simple sample file?

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-02-07

    OK, we are on it.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Unfortunately also IfcRailing is affected.
    In notepad: it seems that the IfcObjectType (IfcRailingType) is OK, but the instance is IfcBuildingElementProxy.
    Same with the above mentioned IfcClasses, like IfcDiscreteAccessory: the type is OK, the instance is proxy.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-02-07

    There was some major reworking of the instance/type code, so that may be what's going on. We'll look at that too. I expect a minor update (v18.3.1) soon that will address some of these issues.

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-02-07

    I can confirm this in his files. It's only for 2018. Dirk, for now you should go back to the previous exporter version.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    just some additional findings of 18.3.0

    In 18.2.0 the following Classes for IfcOjbectType were accepted (for exporting Generic Models):
    In 18.3.0 these IfcObjectType-classes are exported as IfcBuildingElementProxy (the export of Classes for IfcObjects, such as IfcRamp/IfcRoof/IfcSlab/IfcStair/IfcWall are OK)

    The only missing IfcClasses seems to be:


    Is there any reason why a generic model isn't exportable as?

    (Nice: IfcInterceptorType/IfcInterceptor is added in 18.3.0 compared to 18.2.0)

    Best regards,

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-02-15

    For these I am seeing the same output using IFC4DTV with 18.2 and 18.3...though I do see the inclusion of IfcInterceptor.

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-02-15

    For these I am seeing the same output using IFC4DTV with 18.2 and 18.3...though I do see the inclusion of IfcInterceptor. what's different then?


    Last edit: Andy Parrella 2018-02-15
  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-02-16

    Hi Dirk,

    We'll be uploading 18.3.1 soon - SourceForge upload has been down for a few days, so there's been some delay. At this point, you should wait to re-test, as I think we have most of these issues settled.


  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Angel,
    I'll be patient. Thx for the support!
    Have a nice weekend,

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-02-16

    Please recheck your issues - 18.3.1 is out. Can't guarantee we got to all of them, but we should have gotten at least the big ones. Let us know what we missed.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Angel,

    I re-tested, and gathered the issues and questions from the different threads:

    • issue: some Entity and EntityTypeClasses resulted in IfcBuildingElementProxy (issue mainly resolved)

    in 18.3.1: IFC2x3CV2 & IFC4DTV: correct output of IfcDiscreteAccessory(Type) / IfcFastener(Type) / IfcMechanicalFastener(Type) / IfcRailing(Type): OK!
    Note: IFC4DTV: IfcSensor(Type) and IfcSolarDevice(Type) are resulting in proxies in Solibri, but this is probably a Solibri issue: these Entity(Type)Classes are OK in FZK Viewer.

    in 18.3.1: IFC2x3CV2 & IFC4DTV: IfcCoveringType / IfcRampType / IfcRoofType / IfcSlabType / IfcStairType / IfcWallType are still resulting in proxies:
    compared to 18.3.0: IfcCoveringType is added as an issue
    (in 18.2.0: all these EntityTypeClasses were accepted as valid entries for IfcExportAs of Generic Models, but this is probably a minor issue since there is the possibility to stick to the EntityClasses instead of the EntityTypeClasses, at least for the time being)

    • issue: IfcPlateType/IfcMemberType: sort of interference causing an error in the exporter (issue resolved)
      in 18.3.1: IFC4DTV: OK: no error anymore in the exporter

    • new issue: IFC4RV: IfcWall(Type) causing error in exporter (new issue)
      actually I don't know if it's a new issue, since I didn't test the IFC4RV output before

    • issue: PredefinedTypes of IfcMemberType are all MEMBER (still an issue)
      in 18.3.1: IFC2x3CV2 & IFC4DTV: export of the PredefinedTypes of IfcMember (IfcExportAs=IfcMember.COLLAR), all result in IFC as a PredefinedType "MEMBER"
      '#33032= IFCMEMBERTYPE('0vXqWb6GT0wvimkLHF5tF6',#41,'N_GM_IfcEntityClass:GM_IfcEntityClass',$,$,(#735,#737),(#33031),'541180',$,.MEMBER.);'

    • issue: export of floors as IfcFooting/IfcRamp IFC2x3CV2: error in exporter (issue resolved)
      in 18.3.1: OK: in IFC2x3CV2 floors are again exportable as IfcSlab/IfcCovering/IfcFooting/IfcRamp without an error

    • issue: openingelements in roof are displaced (unfortunately still an issue)
      in 18.3.1: IFC2x3CV2(with LOD=high) & IFC4DTV(low): unfortunately it still seems to be an issue (with 'roof opening cut' and 'shaft opening' as well)

    • question about the current functionality of subcategories in the IFC export mapping table

    • question: are there any plans to add:
      IfcChimney / IfcShadingDevice / IfcVibrationIsolator / IfcReinforcingBar / IfcReinforcingMesh / IfcTendon / IfcTendonAnchor as exportable EntityClasses of Generic Models ?

    Best regards,

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-02-18

    Hi Dirk,

    Thanks for the detailed analysis. I'll pass the remaining issues to the team to see what we can find.



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