
IFC2x3 & IFC4 | Assembled Stair: multiplication of entities

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Just one for almost the start of the new week.


    IFC2x3CV2 & IFC4RV

    With a mapping of all Revit Categories to IfcBuildingElementProxy (in the Export Options),
    there seems to arise a conflict with the hardcoded mapping and the geometry creation.
    The Stair Run is translated to 2 entities: IfcRampFlight as well as IfcBuildingElementProxy.
    The Stair Stringer is (of course 2 times) also translated to 2 entities: IfcMember and IfcBuildingElementProxy.
    A little bit too much geometry I think.


    Last edit: Dirk Van Rillaer 2018-07-08

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